Adults who get the HPV vaccine can prevent severe disease

by time news

2024-09-15 04:34:16

Human papillomavirus family (HPV) is widespread. how much is it Studies show that 80% of people – men and women are sexually active – at least once in their lives. will suffer infection of HPV. Mostly, in the first years of the beginning of sex.

And although he the immune system receives the treatment it contains In almost all cases, when that does not happen, HPV becomes responsible for causing genital lesions and serious oncological diseases, something that can be prevented with vaccination at all stages of life and not in pre-adolescence.

“80% of serious cases can be prevented with vaccination”

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“This is a family that includes more than 200 different strains and is often latent in many cases. But in 10% to 20% of people who have been activated and when, after time, the injuries appear, “Laura Fleider, head of the Cervical Pathology section of the Gynecology section of the Hospital de Clínicas of the UBA explained.

human papilloma: who is most vulnerable

For his part, Dr. Hebe Vázquez, specialist in immunology at the company Center for Disease Control, He explained to this newspaper that “in about 10% of infections, HPV remains. And in those cases, which are many, they can appear complex pathologies, such as cervical cancer and, to a lesser extent, the anus, vagina, vagina, vulva and oropharyngeal.

“The different types of HPV are classified as ‘high risk’ and ‘low risk.’ The first are, obviously, those that are more related to the possibility of causing inflammation or malignant lesions and those that have a low risk are associated with the appearance of warts in the genital areas,” says the epidemiologist – the disease explained.

This issue is not small since it has been determined that, worldwide, at least one of every 25 cases of cancer is related to the presence of HPV in that person. And Vázquez – is also cPresident of the Immunization Committee of the Argentine Society of Hair Diseases– adds another data: “Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, especially in young women. It is estimated that, every year, there are about 600 thousand cases in the world. And those are the only ones that are registered because there are many cases in which this disease is not included in the epidemiological statistics. “

A dose of the HPV vaccine protects against cancer, according to the WHO

According to the expert, it is estimated that in the world there is a death every two minutes from this cancer and in Latin America a death occurs every fifteen minutes for this reason. In Argentina, there are about 5,000 diagnoses of this type each year and about 2,500 deaths from this cause. The important thing is that 80% of these cases could have been prevented by using a vaccine.

Or in its insignificant relationship with various sexual war “Although they are often rare, their appearance can become frequent and produce a significant social impact. Also, its treatment is very expensive,” warned Vázquez.

Age. To prevent many of these conditions, the vaccine against HPV – which appears in the national vaccination schedule – is an effective option. “In Argentina, the original HPV vaccines were administered in 2011 and 2017, for girls and boys. Over the years they improved and expanded the number of serotypes they protect against and today there are nine different versions.

When to give them? The official recommendation refers to the use to all young people (male and female) at the age of 11. And from the beginning of this year (2024) the schedule of insurance is one dose.

But here something new appears. There are many adults, already started into a sexual life, who will also benefit from the prevention provided by this vaccine. Fleider comments: Immunocompromised people should consider giving it (three doses) up to and including 26 years of age. And also transplant recipients and HIV carriers. In recent times, people with common autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and other similar diseases that may require the use of immunosuppressive drugs, have been added to recommendations.

One in 25 cases of cancer is related to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

The concrete thing is that, although the greatest benefit is obtained if it occurs before that to start an active sex life, they are also useful for young people and adults. Are men and women who have already started having sex or have had an HPV infection immune? Sexually active people can also benefit. For example, they may have been exposed to one type of HPV and years later be reinfected with the same type of virus. In other words, many people can be safe with the protection of the vaccine,” the expert concluded.

Due to the reduction in treatment methods, infections of sexually transmitted diseases are increasing

“Obviously, me too suggest people with multiple partners and sex workers. It is even something to talk about with adults, since it is immunity never “There is an age limit to accept,” Vázquez added.

The professor recalled that “The best thing would be for each person, regardless of their age, to talk to their doctor whether or not it is given at each stage of life, since it provides protection in various areas. For example, we are also looking for that security of cancers like bladder cancer, which are not common, but exist.” Of course, the problem side is that it is a very expensive vaccine and, outside of the establishment, it is not covered by the viewers.

Does it also affect male fertility?

HPV is often linked to lesions, warts and infections. But its presence in the male population seems to have an effect on your reproductive health and, finally, reduce fertility. This was sent by experts from the Biochemistry Clinic and Immunology Research Center of the University of Cordoba and the Conicet. This group published research that warned that HPV strains considered high risk “appears to represent a major threat to the quality of the product“. Scientists studied the effects of the virus in a small group of men in the city of Córdoba. They examined 205 samples from elderly male volunteers from a urology clinic. None of them had been vaccinated against to HPV. Of those men, 19% tested positive for HPV. And doing the research they found that the HPV carriers had a low amount of white blood cells (leukocytes) in their semen But it can suffer frequent damage from oxidative stress such as cell membrane rupture, DNA breaks and even uncontrolled and unprogrammed cell death.

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