Advances in treatment

by time news

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, experts present all the developments regarding the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

THE progress in the treatment of cancer in recent years it is rapid, multi-layered and indisputable. The mortality of the disease is constantly decreasing and the survival for many neoplasms is increasing significantly. On the occasion of her World Cancer Day, February 4, EKPA experts talk to APE about the most important developments expected in the treatment of cancer in 2024.

The data are analyzed by the doctors of the Therapeutic Clinic (Alexandra Hospital) of the EKPA School of Medicine Thanos Dimopoulos (professor of Oncology – Hematology, former dean), Michalis Liontos (assistant professor of Therapeutic Oncology) and the pathologist, professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine of the School of Medicine EKPA, Theodora Psaltopoulou.

Clinical studies that will enhance the administration of immunotherapy

Within 2024 it is expected that they will be announced clinical studies that will enhance the delivery of immunotherapy before surgical excision of local disease. In fact, the phase III clinical trial NADINA, which examines the role of preoperative administration of the immunotherapeutic antibodies ipilimumab and nivolumab in patients with stage III melanoma, has been characterized one of the studies that will change the way this disease is treated. Data from this study will add to corresponding results that exist regarding preoperative treatment in lung, colon, breast, and stomach cancer. It seems that the enhancement of the immune response against cancer achieved by these antibodies is more important before the exclusion of the disease.

New immunotherapeutic approaches

Alongside, 2024 is expected to be a landmark year for new immunotherapeutic approaches. Regarding cell therapies, long-term follow-up results of the phase II study of the drug lifilusel in patients with metastatic melanoma who have relapsed after standard treatments were recently announced and its approval by the FDA is expected. Lifilusel is actually a live drug, that is, T-lymphocytes that infiltrate the patient’s tumor. A portion of the tumor is removed before treatment begins and sent to specially designed laboratories to isolate the T-lymphocytes. These are then re-introduced into the patient along with an immunostimulatory agent (Interleukin-2) and after first receiving low dose chemotherapy. Administration of the drug has proven that approximately 45% of patients remain alive 4 years later, and in fact several of them have a complete remission of the disease.

Important developments in the field of therapeutic vaccines

It is taken for granted that there will be significant developments in the field of cancer therapeutic vaccines. Two large phase III studies with personalized mRNA vaccines and immunotherapy have already begun, but in 2024 scientists expect studies with vaccines in more types of cancer and with a larger number of patients. In fact, it is believed that vaccines containing antigens common to most patients will be tested and will be cheaper and easier to produce. However, other classes of vaccines are also of interest (DNA vaccines, peptide vaccines).

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Targeted therapies

With regard to targeted therapies, interest here has turned to chemotherapeutic drug-conjugated antibodies (ADCs) that have demonstrated in recent years great efficacy in a range of neoplasms. Within 2024, clinical trial results are expected both from already approved such drugs being tested in newer indications and from newer such antibodies. As the number of ADCs under investigation continues to increase, it is expected that these therapeutic approaches will involve an even greater number of patients.

The role of prevention and early diagnosis

It is of particular importance the prevention and early diagnosis of cancer. Regarding secondary prevention, the three professors state that we expect the results of studies in 2024 for the most effective method of early diagnosis of lung cancer. It is expected to prove to what extent artificial intelligence technology can assist in the rapid and more reliable evaluation of preventive examinations in order to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures.

Blood tests to diagnose cancer

Finally, in 2024 it will be strengthened the shift to blood tests to diagnose cancer. The ability to detect circulating DNA of cancer cells in a blood test provides the possibility of both monitoring the results of various treatments, but above all the early recognition of disease recurrence before there are even clinical or imaging findings. Obviously, this technology could also provide early diagnosis of cancer and this year they are expected to start studies with such diagnostic blood tests for the screening of cancer.

It is a given, they conclude, that they will exist in 2024 as well particularly interesting developments regarding the treatment of cancer both in treatment and in prevention and early diagnosis. «However, it is important to emphasize that we expect important steps to be taken to ensure equal access for all patients to health services and innovative treatments, as is the message of this year’s day for the treatment of cancer on February 4.

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