Advise on how to treat “liver disease”, what foods should patients eat or avoid: PPTVHD36

by time news

The liver is an important organ of the body. There are many important functions, including destroying toxins in the body, destroying or causing drugs. work better, creating bile, substances that cause blood to clot and many hormones Including playing an important role in the body’s immune system. regulate metabolism and create many nutrients such as glucose amino acids and proteins whole fat triglycerides and cholesterol make vitamins work better and is a source of many vitamins

Get the “liver” to know the importance of it. Recommend 8 tips to take care of your health.

The “liver” is not working, what will happen? Check the cause of organ damage before it’s too late.

The liver is therefore like a department of the body’s department. because it controls the use of most nutrients, so when the liver does not work normally Therefore causing various diseases, preserving the liver is therefore extremely important for health.

For eating food to preserve the liver The key issue is obesity prevention. and avoid continuing to eat high-carbohydrate foods in large quantities This may cause more fat insertion in the liver.

Advice on how to eat therapy

Diet therapy for liver disease is divided into 3 types:

1. Diet to treat hepatitis

While the anorexic patient may be helped by feeding liquid but very nutritious foods such as eggs, milk, sugar, ice cream, when the patient’s symptoms improve. Provide a complete meal

2. Diet therapy for cirrhosis

Your doctor will prescribe an increase or decrease in protein intake to suit each patient. The first stage of cirrhosis with no brain effects. can get protein or meat is not different from normal people, about 6 – 12 tablespoons per day if cirrhosis is accompanied by brain symptoms will reduce to about 2-3 tablespoons per day or abstain from protein for a while Choose low-protein carbohydrate foods such as vermicelli, sarim flour, Shanghai noodles, sago flour, tapioca starch.

3. Foods to treat early liver cancer

Protein should be increased to 1.5 g per kg of body weight from meat. consume less fat To prevent abdominal distension, flatulence, and gas in the digestive tract if there is edema Eat carbohydrates such as rice, sweet water (can be added to non-diabetics) should not consume grains. too much greens because it will cause more abdominal distension In the event that the patient has neurological symptoms, he or she should consult a doctor.

“Chronic Hepatitis B” is no small matter. may cause serious disease in the future

Cirrhosis, Viral Diseases and Eating Habits – Drink Your Own

Advice on how to eat therapy

Choose the right food


  • Foods that can be eaten: coffee, tea, soft drinks, rice water, non-fat milk. nonfat milk powder Curd is made from nonfat milk.
  • Foods to avoid: cream, milk and plain milk powder. milk drink

sweet food

  • Foods that can be eaten : Egg dessert, plain pudding made with nonfat milk, plain agar, fruit juice, sweet food with only syrup and sugar.
  • Foods that should be avoided : Various types of cakes, cookies, ice cream, various pastries, desserts with coconut milk, fried snacks, chocolate, roasted peanuts.


  • Edible foods: Corn oil soybean oil Cottonseed Oil, Olive Oil, Safflower Oil Salad dressings made with limited amounts of vegetable oil.
  • Foods to avoid: lard, coconut oil. Bacon lard oil, general fat, ready-made salad dressing vegetable fats mixed with animal fats


  • Foods that can be eaten: lean meats such as chicken breasts, fish, pork and red meat in a specified amount.
  • Foods that should be avoided : Meats that do not have lean fats such as chicken breasts, fish, pork and red meat in the specified amount.

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital Phahonyothin

good or bad liver health Just by FIBROSCAN method, you can know.

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