Aesthetic Medicine, the 2022 International Congress of Sies in Bologna

by time news

In Bologna the “elite” of medicine and cosmetic surgery

After two years of arrest, due to a pandemic, he returns to Bologna the International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine Sies. An appointment awaited by all professionals working in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, scheduled from 17 to 19 February 2022, at the congress center in Bologna. The new formula is therefore confirmed from Thursday to Saturday, with a three-day conference organized by Valet, like the big event of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery in Italy, ideal completion of the mission that animates the organization: the achievement of well-being through beauty.

In Bologna the innovations of Aesthetic Science

As has been the case since 1997, hundreds of specialists from all over the world will debate the “hottest” issues of the moment. Some of the leading industry experts will provide colleagues with a comprehensive Intelligent guide to intercepting avant-garde innovations of Aesthetic Science. And once again, in the wake of the success achieved in previous editions, the Congress will pass without delay from words to deeds: the reports in the classroom, also in 2022, will be combined with live connections with the operating theaters, and cadaver lab sessions and links with international experts.

At Sies there are many innovations presented in preview

Many news presented in preview: a new botulinum toxin, which is no longer prepared as a powder, but already diluted. Also in the field of injectables will be presented new fillers, increasingly long-lasting and safe from the point of view of the binding of hyaluronic acid molecules. Other news will concern the treatment of some specific parts of the body with previews from companies that will offer specific sessions dedicated to the treatment of areas such as décolleté, arms, navel, and all areas of the face and body where age knocks early revealing the first imperfections. “Once again the SIES congress is enriched with numerous updating symposiums – explains Sies President Maurizio Priori – a real hotbed of information and training”. In fact, 3 international symposia on innovative topics of great interest for further development of the sector will be presented.

Regenerative medicine, non-surgical nose correction techniques and a new doctor-patient relationship

The scientific sessions, moderated by national and international speakers, will touch on the most popular topics in the current debate: from regenerative medicine, to non-surgical techniques for correcting the nose, or correcting imperfections of the body profilealso ranging on issues such as changing the doctor-patient relationship in the digital age. Dr. Ivano Iozzo Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Bologna, scientific coordinator of the sessions of Aesthetic Surgery will be chairman of the session scheduled for February 18 on the subject “Botulinum toxin on and off label: old and new indications of dosage, dilution and personalized techniques “. Doctor Iozzo will also coordinate the Galderma Symposium: “A new era in neuromodulation: innovation, precision and performance.” The doctor Geneva Best Aesthetic Physician and Plastic Surgeon on February 19th, he will speak on the topic “Personal experience of 16 months in the use of P (LACL) for the rejuvenation of the midface and lower third of the face”. During the live sessions, doctors will be able to interact with colleagues involved in the various phases of operations or treatments in order to be able to steal from them, in fact, updates on product innovation and on the techniques used.

The new Karisma Face filler by Taumedika

The Karisma Face bio-replenishing soft filler by Taumedika will be among the protagonists of the Congress “With Karisma- explains the CEO of Taumedika Filippo Castrogiovanni– Collagen 2.0 of entirely Italian production is offered on the market, which is currently climbing the rankings of international markets, distinguishing itself as a completely natural and new generation product “. It is an evolution of the classic biostimulation, obtained thanks to a collagen completely natural called Neosilk. “It is a ready-to-use collagen, already available in a pre-filled syringe that optimizes the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid and makes it easier for the doctor to use. Working in synergy with hyaluronic acid, the filling substance par excellence, the recombinant, biotech, green collagen obtained from the cocoon of silk maximizes the biofiller effect “.

Neosilk, a completely natural collagen

“Neosilk- explains the professor Sergio Noviello aesthetic surgeon and founder of the Sergio Noviello Academy- in addition to providing collagen to the skin, it stimulates its natural production, ensuring safety. The results are excellent: the Karisma soft filler is a truly technological opportunity for beauty and rejuvenation, with guaranteed efficacy and safety. Neosilk collagen, of which the company 303 Pharma is the exclusive agent, already in the name refers to silk, because it is a substance obtained from the filaments of silkworms raised in Japan: a recombinant, biotechnological, vegan and cruelty free protein and a revolution that will replace injectables for biostimulation “. Being sensitive and resisting aging is not necessarily due to Dorian Gray syndrome, it is simply the right way to take care of yourself, to appear more relaxed, giving your face a more natural and harmonious look.

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