Aesthetic medicine, the latest trend? Face lifting laser that activates the skin

by time news

Foreign medicine, laser facelift: a new technology keeps faith with minimally invasiveness with no side effects for a revitalizing treatment of the skin

One non-surgical facelift to rejuvenate the face, décolleté and the parts of the body that can present a particular laxity. The novelty of spring 2022 is a non-ablative laser treatment: a new tool that allows you to act in depth and get the first results in a few days with a brighter and more uniform skin. Is called Venice Lift the last frontier of aesthetic medicine which, using only the heat given off by the light, is able to regenerate the skin, compacting and toning it, reaching a lifting effect on the treated area.

Venezia Litf, face and body laser lifting treatment

“At the base is laser technology, an established technology that has been used for a long time in aesthetic medicine“, explains Patrizia Gilardino, a cosmetic surgeon from Milan. “From the laser CO2which is defined as “gold standard” for the resurfacing, a new non-ablative fractional laser has been developed that goes beyond the applications we were previously familiar with. Using the same wavelength as an ablative laser, it is possible to intervene in depth for an overall rejuvenation of the skin. The light produced in fact stimulates the fibroblasts and leads to the production of collagen: this not only has the effect of toning the tissues, but manages to re-compact the skin, resulting in its relaxation and the elimination of small wrinkles that form over the years “.

The novelty is not only in the application of a non-ablative laser for the skin rejuvenation“when until now it had as a privileged field of application that of the elimination of spots on the face“, remembers Gilardino. But above all the ease of treatment and the results achieved.” In addition to a wide range of cases where it can be used, thanks to the different intensities with which it can be used “, specifies the doctor.

Venezia Lift, face and body laser lifting: all the details on the treatment

Suitable for different areas of the face, it can also be used on the neck, décolleté, but also in delicate areas such as the inner arms and inner thigh. “In all those areas where a certain laxity of the skin occurs more easily”, emphasizes the specialist. “This treatment, in fact, keeps the skin active. That is, it allows to counteract its laxity, revitalizing it and also filling that process of” emptying “that time usually causes. Thus the use of” filling “solutions is postponed, such as , for example, those proposed by injectables “. Thanks to these characteristics, adds Gilardino, “it is not only a treatment to contrast the signs of aging, but also to maintain a young and toned skin”.

At the base remain the characteristics of minimally invasive and the absence of side effects of the most modern aesthetic lasers. “The classic slight reddening of the treated part, essentially due to the heat given off by the machine, disappears after a few hours. Furthermore, it does not involve the adoption of particular precautions in the post treatment: already the next day it is possible to put on make-up, always maintaining the good habit to use a moisturizer “.

The protocol requires a couple of sessions about a month apart. “Subsequently, more dilated sessions can be done over time to maintain the results, approximately every 3 – 4 months”, he concludes: “However, the results are visible already after a few days, with visibly brighter and more uniform skin and with reduction of pores. The overall effect is appreciated after about four weeks “.

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