Affected by the drug Agreal: “They have destroyed our lives”

by time news

«There are struggles that do not stop. For years that pass. For pitfalls that appear on the road. Like the one that those affected by the agreal medicine«, thus begins a good report that publishes The Newspaper of Spain and that for your interest I summarize.

The aforementioned means of communication tells it in a work entitled The martyrdom of the victims of the drug Agreal: “They have destroyed our lives”. Agreal, from the lab Sanofiwas prescribed between 1983 and 2005 to thousands of Spanish women for hot flashes of menopause.

And later, it was withdrawn from the market after being warned adverse psychiatric effectsundoubtedly one of the most disastrous episodes in the recent history of Spanish health.

Francisco Almodóvar, lawyer in the Agreal case.

In the report appear paqui gil y Manuela Victoria Diaz Martin They recount their years of depression and tremors after taking a drug that was withdrawn in 2005 and left them with serious sequelae.

I have known the first for years because she is the spokeswoman for the Agreal Fighters Associationwho chose the Buffet Almodóvar & Jara to take the case to the Courts of Justice.

She declares to the aforementioned newspaper: «I go out to see the specialists and, from the bathroom to bed. I don’t know why this is getting worse. My specialists have a lot of confidence in me and they speak to me clearly: the central nervous system is damaged by a chemical and this has no cure ».

As we have recently reported, the Constitutional Court has admitted the Agreal case for processing.

In a ruling last year the National audience had dismissed it, but the Constitutional Court observes constitutional significance in the delimitation of facts that harm fundamental rights related to health.

In this regard, Paqui is certainly shown hopeful:

If he Constitutional gives us our Fundamental rightsthat will be an example, not only for Europe, but worldwide.

I recommend reading the full report.

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