Affection and Samuraï at the Laurentian festivities

by time news

2023-08-12 08:40:45

The Huesca festivities are considered to be of national interest. They celebrate San Lorenzo and the bulls of course appear in their program. In fact, these festivities revolve around the bullfights, which are advertised on bus shelters, on billboards in almost all bars and shops, on vehicles that circulate through the streets… The square with capacity for some 5,555 souls is always full in a provincial capital of only 50,000 inhabitants, and young people have a great time on the sun loungers, where the atmosphere is like that of Sanfermines but with green scarves.

The main concerts are staged in the Palacio de Congresos, on a large stage embedded inside the building but open to the outside, like a large balcony. There on Thursday, San Lorenzo, the big day of the Huesca festivities, Lola Índigo was going to perform, who will be at Bilbao’s Semana Grande the same night as Vanesa Martín (who would you go to see if you had to choose, dear readers? ?), but their show was suspended with the stage set up and the esplanade full of kids packed until their ranks were impenetrable. The woman from Madrid alleges that a giant screen was running late, but the fact is that they kept us waiting like cattle and without informing us of anything for an hour and a quarter. They said that the suspension of the city council networks had been announced, but there was no internet in the square at that time!

On Friday the same square seemed empty compared to the congestion caused by the frustrated concert of Lola Índigo. Samuraï and Cariño performed, quite artificial feminine products of the national commercial indie pop, and they gathered a much smaller audience. The fourth part? The fact is that we were able to see them without any hassle and standing in front of the stage, and the two groups (each quartet) put on the green handkerchiefs identifying the San Lorenzos (the undersigned also, because whoever doesn’t wear it is giving the note), they arbitrated a repertoire with 90s influences before a respectable eminently feminine (at least in front, where the girls were the overwhelming majority).

Both quartets had drummers and revealed great technical inexperience (in the case of Samu and his family palliated with galore pre-recorded), they asked about the Laurentian festivities in a populist way, the kids called Samuraï ‘queen’ and Cariño ‘beautiful’, Samura made the entire esplanade crouch down and chant Fito’s version, and Cariño wave their hands up, and the stage was too big for both bands, not only because of those great backlights but lacking frontal spotlights to better illuminate the acting

Samuraï on the big stage with many lights but no front. OC

We had already seen both bands in Bilbao, each one at least once and under the BBK Live brand. To Samuraï at the Hirian de Santutxu in 2022, who already has a date reserved at the Fever, in the Blue room, for November 24. On Friday in Huesca, very nervous and talkative, she gave a gig of about 17 songs (some seemed united) in 73 minutes that abused the playback, the prerecorded ones, and in the end to be heard very badly: the guitar did not sound (in the meantime Quique didn’t even play it anyway), the bass could be heard when the bassist was on the keyboard, the drummer did percuss (the best of the four, you know), and the leader probably didn’t sing the entire last song.

Very 90s, like Dover and Garbage, tending towards stadium epics, pain and victimhood in the lyrics (Cariño are more playful, even though they talk about heartbreak, irony prevails like Woody Allen), commercials at times like LODVG and once tracing The Weeknd, like an indie Rozalén on certain songs and shooting Amaral for a few verses, his most celebrated songs were the cover songs: ‘El principio de algo’ by La La Love You (released as a single this year), and ‘The fish lives through the mouth’ by Fito and the Fitipaldis, “a song that is known throughout Spain, it is national heritage”, he presented it like this, and asked for the collaboration of the people through little jevilones yells. Ah, Samuraï stopped the opening concert to go up to a local woman, the nice Araceli, so she could tell him the meaning of the Huesca festivities.

In comparison, Cariño, also from Madrid (well, this is their base of operations), left a much better impression, although their start was weak, feeble, very insecure due to alleged technical problems, and it is that they touched almost everything. They acted as headliners, which was noticeable first because a larger and tighter crowd gathered in front of the grandiose stage, and second because almost all of their songs were sung, a total of 17 in 56 minutes fortunately in gradation.

In July they were at the Sónica de Castro Urdiales festival, but we saw them at BBK Live in 2022, on the main stage! And then they talked much more and even made us laugh. The Cordovan, the Tenerife and the Madrid women, who met through a dating network for unisex girls, are now backed by a drummer, and their songbook has more punch, although it hasn’t quite taken flight due to their aforementioned instrumental inexperience, than they managed to transmit above all with punk pop from the Fresones Rebeldes school, one of their recognized influences, in compositions like ‘Mierda seca’ (the one you’re bad with), ‘Canción de pop de amor’ (the one I like you a lot), or both The last ones are great ‘I still remember everything (I’ve already experienced this story, and even if it wasn’t with you, I already know the end, and I’m going to cry) and ‘If you want’ (if you want, you can stay all life with me).

There were other tracks on another wave, from polar ballads to shoegazing storms, and also a couple of sticky, playful techno-type numbers: ‘Bisexual’ (the one where I like girls) and ‘Tamagochi’, both without the drummer.

All in all, a lineup, a rather weak duo for that stage that was gigantic for them. In the main program of the Bilbao festivities, which is not something to get excited about, everything has a greater impact, and an indie concert has even slipped into Abandoibarra: that of Lori Meyers, who are long-term professionals.

#Affection #Samuraï #Laurentian #festivities

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