Afghanistan: This is how the Taliban acts against ex-secret services! – Politics abroad

by time news

Afghanistan has now almost completely fallen – from now on the law of terror rules there!

Taliban fighters roam the streets of towns and villages, establishing an Islamist caliphate in front of the whole world and drawing up death lists. Not only the opponents of the terrorists are threatened, but also everyone who lives a different lifestyle.

Ex-top officials and secret service employees are now also being targeted by the Stone Age Islamists: The Taliban are calling them threatening letters to surrender and join the terrorist military – otherwise they and their families should be wiped out !

Many who could not escape have gone into hiding. But until when can they hide?

A family member of an ex-secret service agent of the Afghan government spoke to BILD about the threatening letters: His father Ahmad * worked for the Afghan authorities for about 20 years. The last eight of them he worked as a secret agent. The Taliban came to his old address three days ago.

Photo: private

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The Taliban left this threatening letter to ex-intelligence agents and top officialsPhoto: private

Since the Islamists could not find the ex-agent, they left a threatening letter: “You Ahmad, you fought us for years. Now the Islamic Emirates are the legislators and we are going to enforce the law against you. It would be best for you to surrender. “

► Nobody in Afghanistan believes in a good life or a “regular everyday life” under the rule of the Taliban. On the contrary: many fear for their lives!

Ahmad’s son Ziad * said to BILD: “My father, my mother and my three siblings are hiding in Kabul. I am terrified for my family and have not been able to sleep for days. The Taliban won’t rest until they find my father – and if he doesn’t cooperate, they will wipe out our family. “

► With this approach, today’s Taliban show once again that they are no more harmless or humane than the old regime that terrorized the country until 2001.

About the last phone call with his father, Ziad says: “My father said to me crying: ‘My son, I don’t know what to do. The Taliban will kill me. Please take care of your siblings in case something happens to me. ‘ Since then I have been exhausted and pray that my father does not fall into the hands of the terrorists, ”Ziad told BILD.

* Name changed by the editor


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