“Africa is hostage” to Russia, says Volodymyr Zelensky before the African Union

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18h37 : As a reminder, coal is the fossil fuel that emits the most greenhouse gases, responsible for global warming. To limit the rise in global average temperatures, IPCC scientists insist that it is urgent to reduce (and eventually eliminate) the use of this energy source. At COP26, States also committed to “accelerate efforts toward phasing out coal-fired power without a capture system [de CO2] and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies”.

18h36 : After Germany and Austria, it is the turn of the Netherlands to announce the possible use of coal to deal with the energy crisis fueled by the conflict in Ukraine. To compensate for the declines in Russian gas deliveries, the Minister of the Environment, Rob Jetten, announced the lifting of their restrictions on coal-fired electricity production, until 2024. “This means coal-fired power plants can run at full capacity again instead of the 35% maximum”he announced.

18h05 : It’s exactly 6 p.m., so it’s time to take stock of the news.

First disagreement in the union. The PS, EELV and the PCF rejected Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal to the Nupes parties to constitute “only one opposition group in Parliament”.

“No LR deputy will vote for confidence in the government”, announced Christian Jacob. There will not be “of pact or coalition with the government” according to the president of the Les Républicains party, while Together! might need the right-wing party to push laws through the Assembly.

• Limited transit to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad is in line with “European sanctions”, according to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister. Russian diplomacy had denounced earlier in the day the introduction of restrictions “hostiles” on rail transit, via Lithuania, of goods to the Russian enclave.

• Thirty-one departments remain on orange alert for storms and heat waves by Météo France.

17h36 : Limited transit to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad is in line with “European sanctions”, said the Lithuanian Foreign Minister. Russian diplomacy denounced earlier in the day the introduction of restrictions “hostiles” on rail transit, via Lithuania, of goods to the enclave of Kaliningrad.

15h41 : The former President of the Republic François Hollande will publish in September an essay on the geopolitical changes brought about by the war in Ukraine, according to Stock editions. Upheavals: to understand the new world order due out September 7. The former president has published two political essays and a comic strip since leaving the Elysée.

15h23 : It’s 3 p.m., time to take stock of the news:

Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposes to the parties of the Nupes to constitute “only one opposition group in Parliament”. The different components of the union of the left planned until now to each constitute their parliamentary group in the National Assembly.

• Emmanuel Macron finds himself at the center of a topsy-turvy political landscape, with an Assembly without a clear majority, in which his camp is retreating sharply in favor of the left and the National Rally.

• Russian bombardments in Ukraine are increasing in the region of Kharkiv (North-East) and Donetsk (East), the Ukrainian presidency reported this morning.

• Thirty-two departments remain on orange alert for storms and heat waves by Météo France.

14h59 : In the midst of the Russian invasion, the Rada, the Ukrainian Parliament, today ratified the Istanbul Convention. This text, adopted in 2011, establishes a legal and institutional framework to combat violence against women and domestic violence. “A historic event that will bring us into the EU even faster”applauded on Twitter Oleksandr Kornienko, first deputy chairman of the Rada.

14h52 : Switzerland, which is hosting the first reconstruction conference in Ukraine on 4 and 5 July, expects this process, which will have to be accompanied by reforms, to be “long and complex”. “We need to discuss this as soon as possible… in order to define when, what, who, but above all, above all, define how we want to prepare this reconstruction plan”said the president of the Swiss confederation, Ignazio Cassis.

14h00 : “Russia has no right to threaten Lithuania”the head of Ukrainian diplomacy said on Monday, after Russia denounced the introduction of restrictions “hostiles” on rail transit, via Lithuania, of goods to its enclave of Kaliningrad. “We welcome Lithuania’s position of principle and strongly support our Lithuanian friends”added on Twitter the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

13h33 : Russian diplomacy denounced the introduction of restrictions “hostiles” on rail transit via Lithuania of goods destined for its enclave of Kaliningrad. These are due to the European sanctions adopted after the Russian offensive against Ukraine. If the transit “is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to act to defend its national interests”she said in a statement.

12h06 : Here is the update on the news at noon:

• Emmanuel Macron finds himself at the center of a topsy-turvy political landscape, with an Assembly without a clear majority, in which his camp is retreating sharply in favor of both the left and the National Rally.

• # Marine Le Pen announced this morning from her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais) that she “wouldn’t take my head back” of his party, the National Rally, to devote himself to the presidency of the future RN group in the National Assembly.

• Russian bombardments in Ukraine are increasing in the region of Kharkiv (north-east) and Donestk (east), the Ukrainian presidency reported this morning.

• Twenty-one departments remain on orange alert for storms and heat waves by Météo France.

09h50 : “One cannot imagine that millions of tons of wheat remain blocked in Ukraine when the rest of the world’s population is suffering from hunger. This is a real war crime. I cannot imagine that this will last for long: otherwise, it would really be something for which Russia would be held accountable.”

The head of European diplomacy, the Spaniard Josep Borrell, this morning accused Russia of committing a “true war crime” by blocking Ukrainian cereal exports at the risk of aggravating the risk of famine in the world.

08:31 : After a positive recommendation from the European Commission on Friday, the EU member countries meet on Thursday and Friday to decide whether to officially grant kyiv the status of candidate for membership. A green light requires unanimity of the 27.

08:30 : It is to be expected “for Russia to step up its attacks this week”warned Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday evening, a few days before the discussions of the Twenty-Seven European Union on a candidacy for kyiv to join the EU.

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