After 22 years, Ilanit Levy speaks candidly: “I was ashamed of my parents”

by time news

At the innovation conference of the local government center MUNIEXPO 2022, one of the guests who came to be hosted was the presenter and model Ilanit Levi, one of the most beloved and successful women in the Israeli entertainment industry. In an interview on stage in front of all present, Levy spoke openly about her role as a mother, both to the elders and to her little daughter Aria, who was mainly influenced by her own parents.

“As an interviewer for 22 years, there is something very therapeutic about telling things on screen. When my father died, I was the strong side in the family. There was an in-depth interview with jam age And after the interview my mother called and cried and was moved. I was vulnerable throughout the interview. There is something stronger than you sitting down and opening,” Levy said.

Ilanit Levy at muni expo (photo: muni expo local government)

Referring to the new series in which she starred, “The Good City” of HOT, she said: “I filmed it in the eighth month, my journey was to observe the children, I sat with them and went through a journey with them myself.” Later, she added candidly: “When I became famous, I was ashamed of my parents. My mother is illiterate and this journey through the series taught me to be proud of my parents. I did not want to be a housewife like my mother. And in this series I realized not to be ashamed of my mother. Thanks to the fact that my mother did not know Literate but knew how to raise children and did it with love and from there I became who I am.”

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