After 27 days in power, Liz Truss already on the precipice

by time news

“It’s his last chance”, blows the daily i. Already. British Prime Minister Liz Truss arrives at her party’s annual conference weakened by ten days of political and financial turmoil. “This event, originally planned as a triumphant tour of Birmingham [du 2 au 5 octobre] and the opportunity to establish its reputation with party faithful and a wider public, quickly turned into a crisis management unit”, notes the left-wing newspaper, amazed.

Blame it on the announcement, on Friday, September 23, of a growth recovery plan based on tax cuts, in particular for the richest. Politically daring, in the midst of a cost of living crisis. And sanctioned by financial markets panicked at the idea of ​​seeing the indebtedness of the State soar to finance the drop in its revenues. Illustration of the extent of this outcry: the release that same day of a “very popular” 60 billion pounds allocated to the fight against rising energy bills has gone almost unnoticed. Disappeared, swept away in the newspapers by the reprimand of the International Monetary Fund and the intervention of the Bank of England to stem the fall of the pound and the rise in rates on the bond market.

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