After 7 months of works, Plaza 25 returned to show its splendor | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

Plaza 25 is the heart of the City of San Juan, the obligatory step for anyone arriving downtown. And 7 months ago, the Municipality of the Capital decided to face a renovation, without modifying its aesthetics, to preserve the heritage.

This Sunday night, with a show and the presence of guests, it was inaugurated, and completely released for pedestrian traffic.

Unlike other works undertaken by the capital city, this one had the particularity that it was accompanied by professionals from the Civil Association for the Conservation and Defense of the San Juan Heritage (Accodepas), with the idea of ​​avoiding any change that affects the appearance Original from Plaza 25.

The floor was completely renovated, maintaining the design of the tiles, so it was necessary to first make the mold that has the same drawing. Therefore, at first glance, it looks exactly the same, but with new parts.

What was made new, because it did not have, was the irrigation system. Pressurized irrigation was chosen, both for the lawn and for the perimeter trees.

There was also improvement in the lighting and reconditioning of the historic lampposts. The Municipality decided almost not to touch the grove, expecting that the specimen represents a danger due to its conditions.

But perhaps the most salient point was the meticulous work on the central fountain. Quite an icon, with its toads and its central sculpture. In addition to changing the little veneers and redoing the water system, the eyes focused on the restoration, a task that had the renowned plastic artist Hugo Vinzzio Rosselot as a great architect.

A large group of self-convened teachers were present at the opening ceremony. They did it in silence, with posters and banners asking for a salary recomposition.

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