After all, why did Einstein write a letter to Pandit Nehru? There is an Israeli connection – 2024-04-16 09:50:46

by times news cr

2024-04-16 09:50:46
New Delhi: The great scientist Einstein took American citizenship after the Nazis came to power in Germany. However, he supported the establishment of Israel for other Jews. He also wanted this to happen only after an agreement with the Arab people. When the question of the formation of Israel came up in the United Nations in 1947, Jewish leaders decided to take their message to other leaders of the world. In such a situation, he chose Einstein to seek support from Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.What was in Einstein’s letter to Nehru?
On 13 June 1947, Einstein wrote a letter to Nehru. In it he congratulated Pandit Nehru for ending untouchability in the country. After this he explained why the creation of Israel should be supported. He argued that Jewish people had always been discriminated against and were not given the same opportunities to live the same lives as other people. There is no place in the world where he can feel safe. In the letter he had appealed to Nehru to support Israel on this issue. He said that because Nehru fought for independence, we can understand this issue deeply. However, in response to this letter, Pandit Nehru also wrote a letter to him on 11 July 1947. In it he expressed sorrow over the atrocities against the Jewish people, but he also raised the question of Arab rights.

Einstein’s letter to Nehru

Nehru wrote a reply letter to Einstein
Nehru wrote that despite the feelings towards the Jewish community, the question remains that both the rights and future of the Arab people are linked with this issue. Regarding Einstein’s claims about the development of Palestine, Nehru asked why despite all these achievements, the Jewish people have not been successful in winning the trust of the Arabs? Why are they adamant on making the Arab people accept their views against their wishes? Apparently, Nehru had politely but firmly refused to give his support for Israel. After this, India voted in opposition regarding Israel in the United Nations.

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