After another NŠA fiasco, the fate of 5 graduates hung in the balance: they no longer passed the exam

by times news cr

2024-07-26 21:47:08

But it turns out that for some young people such a change will not be so imperceptible. The temporary head of NŠA, Aidas Aldakauskas, admitted that because of this mistake, there were even graduates who did not pass certain exams.

“There were 5 students who failed or will fail the exam,” the head of NŠA informed the media. He did not specify what steps these graduates should take next.

According to A. Aldakauskas, entries in certificates will change for approximately 4,000 young people.

“Not all exams change entries. The records of about 3,000 graduates will be better than they received in the certificates, and about 1,000 students, unfortunately, will be slightly lower.

The prevailing numbers are 1-2 points, less or more, there is no drama, sometimes a number higher than 2 occurs,” he explained.

A. Aldakauskas regretted that the error was noticed already when the appeals had been submitted, and the graduate graduation stage had passed.

As previously stated by the agency, the results of the main session of foreign languages ​​(English, German, Russian), biology, physics, geography and the repeated session of state matriculation exams are changing.

It is noted that all the updated information has already reached the LAMA BPO, so the process of admission to higher education institutions is not disturbed.

“The company informed that, due to a technical error, the algorithm for calculating the final exam result did not include the corrections of the answers chosen by the student to the closed-ended questions on the answer sheet.

For this reason, the final assessment of 2832 graduate works changes to the higher side, on average about 1.4 points out of 100, and 1044 to the lower side, the average change is insignificant – 1.3 points out of 100″, said A. Aldakauskas.

“We understand at what an important moment the inaccuracy of the results was identified, but we assure you that all the updated information has already reached LAMA BPO, so the process of admission to higher education institutions is not disturbed. Upon identification of the error, additional verification steps of all state matriculation exam results should be carried out promptly.

We also informed all the schools of the above-mentioned graduates about what actions they should take so that the students receive the updated matriculation certificates, students who will receive information from the school about the changed assessment of the exam will also see the updated result in the result publication system”, added A. Aldakauskas.

The head of NŠA said that he apologized to the graduates and the entire educational community for the mistake.

“It should be mentioned that company representatives take responsibility for the quality of services. We are currently assessing the possibility of going to court due to the mistake and damage caused by the supplier”, says A. Aldakauskas.

According to him, schools will now have to approve new versions of certificates during the summer.

“Probably there was no choice here – we never thought that such a fact should be hidden and we would try to deceive someone. It is much more important for us that in 2024 the entries in the certificates are true, because they are stored for decades”, emphasized the head of the NŠA.

The minister also spoke

The Minister of Education, Science and Sports Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė claimed that the situation is unforgivable.

According to the politician, the company that digitized the exam results is to blame for such negligence. Therefore, the minister emphasizes that the company’s responsibility will be demanded.

“I was informed about the error in digitizing the results of the matriculation exams. Although the changes are small, I consider the situation to be unforgivable negligence. The National Education Agency is responsible for the examination process.

The technical error was made by the service provider, the company digitizing the exam results. I will demand responsibility from the company. The judicial way is being considered,” the minister said in a published comment.

R. Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė also sees the responsibility of NŠA in the situation.

“In general, I consider the situation to be flawed. “Repeated errors in the system of preparation and execution of exams are intolerable, so I will demand responsibility not only from the company, but also from the responsible persons in the National Education Agency,” she said.

In order to avoid similar mistakes in the future, the ministry intends to initiate an audit of future service providers.

“Starting next year, the tests will be completed electronically. It will be initiated so that the results of the test part are open and the student can check them”, she mentioned the measures.

In case of questions or uncertainties, NŠA invites you to contact e-mail. e-mail [email protected] and the following phone numbers: +370 658 18391; +370 658 18374; +370 658 18367; +370 698 18495; +370 698 18463.

2024-07-26 21:47:08

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