After Boko Haram, the rise of Ansaru jihadists in Nigeria

by time news

After Boko Haram, economic decline and banditry, the northwestern states of Nigeria now face another threat: the terrorist organization Ansaru [acronyme de Jama’atu Ansaril Muslimina fi Biladis Sudan, soit “L’avant-garde pour la protection des musulmans en Afrique noire”].

This organization stemming from Boko Haram [groupe sunnite pour la prédication et le djihad. En langue haoussa Boko Araamuu, souvent traduit par “L’éducation occidentale est un péché” mais qui peut aussi signifier “La tromperie est péché”] enjoys the support of Al-Qaeda [en 2022, le groupe a prêté allégeance à Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique] and is on the rise. By striving to win hearts and minds and protecting her followers from bandits, she is creating an important new front in the battle for the

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The Continent (Johannesburg)

It is at the heart of a world turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic that The Continent was launched in April 2020. This original medium aims to bring together “the best reports” made in the four corners of the African continent. “Never has the need for access to precise, deep and accurate information been so pressing”, writes the title in its first editorial. “We cannot distribute screening tests to you. We don’t have ventilators, but we have a vital job to do: keep you informed.” Backed by the highly reputed South African newspaper Mail & Guardian, The Continent is a weekly available free of charge, in the format PDFand thought to be shared on social networks.

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