After Chávez’s death came the international siege against the country

by time news

The leader justified that for this reason “President Nicolás Maduro has received more than 300 sanctions that have complicated the entire delicate economic, political and social situation that we currently have”

By: Ernestina Herrera |
Mar 6, 2023 – 6:56 pm

Ehe leader of the PSUV Youth, Juan Francisco Trébol, said that after President Hugo Rafael Chávez died, the international siege against Venezuela began “everyone thought that they could enter the country like Pedro through his house, which is why the President Nicolás Maduro has received more than 300 sanctions that have complicated the entire delicate economic, political and social situation that we currently have.

For the leader who is only 28 years old, which means that he cannot make many distinctions with regard to the Fourth Republic, during the Chávez presidency the first attempt and purpose of the leader was to banish poverty, do everything everything possible for it to become a different country, apart from all the disasters that occurred in the fourth, he regretted that some past leaders had taken advantage of the oil boom that existed to put money in their pockets and commit acts of corruption that punished severely the patrimony of the country.

A listener asked if with that advertising marketing that is used to expose the advantages of the revolution, he could say from his young age that he had seen someone eat perrarina, to which he replied:

-I cannot say that, but what I do know is that there is truly a whole process of improvement in Venezuelan society and that there is less poverty and inclusion, a determining factor that changed the rules of the game and prevented a minimum class from being able to have privileges.

-Another listener asked if everyone could go to the Rio or Forum supermarkets to buy, and if it was not true that the purchasing power of Venezuelans was quite spent…

-Now older Venezuelans have access to schools, if there is one thing we can talk about the legacy of former President Chávez it is his constant action aimed at effectively eliminating those inequalities that brought about some events, such as El Caracazo, the president’s legacy translates into meanings egalitarian, but it is not that we insist on saying that they are the sanctions, it is that it is the reality and it cannot be denied for this reason, we do not admit at all that it is intended to question a man who constituted a socially egalitarian society with broad criteria of social inclusion and that only with the elimination of sanctions will it be possible to end the deaths of children with cancer, the blockade prevented, for example, those international agreements that existed with European countries to be able to carry out these interventions from ceasing to have effects, we were on the right track until this interruption and the aspirations of countries to seize our oil They prevented the road from being remedied.

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