After getting off the Book Fair. The new date and place of the presentation of Javier Milei’s book were confirmed

by times news cr

After the controversy over the presentation of the new book by Javier Miley at the Book Fair and its subsequent cancellation, it was confirmed the new date and place where the President will share the launch of Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap.

As reported on LN+, The presentation of Milei’s book, published by Planeta, will take place at the Luna Park theater in the city of Buenos Aires on May 22. Initially it was going to be held in the central field of La Rural, but for security reasons, the Casa Rosada decided to cancel the event.

On the other hand, it was learned that the moderation of the presentation fell into the hands of the national deputy of La Libertad Avanza José Luis Espertjust as it had been anticipated to happen at the Book Fair.

The cover of Javier Milei’s new book: Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap. From economic theory to political action

Earlier, it was the head of state himself who was in charge of clearing up doubts about whether it was going to be presented at the Book Fair or not. In a radio interview with journalist Luis Majul, he maintained that they gave up the idea for fear of sabotage.

“We are not going to present it at the Book Fair. Because my sister is carrying out that negotiation and there is a level of hostility towards me and our people that makes us suspect that there is a attempt to sabotage the presentation and do it Kirchnerist stylein a violent way, not something typical of culture,” he noted in The Observer.

In that sense, dI also said that the organizers “boast” [de pertenecer al mundo de la cultura] but they had a “very violent opening”. During that kickoff event there was strong criticism of the President from the head of the El Libro Foundation, Alejandro Vaccaro, who accused the president of “despise” activity and said that he had never seen “a government so hostile towards culture.”

Given this, Milei counterattacked: “They have threatened that if we go, they will do things to us, inducing a type of behavior that is not typical of the culture.” Likewise, he indicated that if he appeared at La Rural, the Casa Rosada, he would have had to take “precautions” with the tickets. We cannot expose ourselves to a blockade”, He maintained and noted: “In reality they are taking actions as if someone wants to sabotage an activity”.

Repercussions on the launch of the book

In dialogue with LN+ the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem, referred to Milei’s relationship with writing and reading. “I know few people more well-read than Milei. He reads constantly, he is informed of everything. “He has quotes from all authors, from all periods, especially from topics that interest him, such as economics,” he considered.

Likewise, he criticized the questions that the president received from Alejandro Vaccaro, the president of the El Libro Foundation: “In general he reads a lot of novels, he is a guy who loves reading. They seem to me to be disqualifications that are linked to ideology, on the one hand, but have an economic origin.. That support is no longer there and then it does not become a friend. And there appears that bid.”

The deputy of La Libertad Avanza expressed himself in the same terms. Alberto “Bertie” Benegas-Lynch in X against Vaccaro: “The militant Vaccaro, who operates politically from a literary foundation, returns with clumsy statements. Now he says that Milei will not present his book at the Book Fair because it would be difficult for interested parties to occupy the place. Yes, Vaccaro, haha… That’s why she’s going to do it at Luna Park.”

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