After only one song: the Odia singer had to get off the stage – and here’s why

by time news

Last night took place (or rather, should have taken place), the performance of the promising singer Odia Azulai In the Founders Park in the city of Rehovot. After the entire audience had gathered to hear her favorite songs, when they were already conquering the charts on the radio stations, a surprising incident happened as a result of which the show was canceled a few minutes after it started.

Odia Azoulai’s performance was cut short after only one song (courtesy of Aroma Music / Roberto)

After apologizing to the audience for the short performance already when she got off the stage, Odia posted a story on her Instagram page in which she explained the situation: “Streets, there are things that are out of our control and unfortunately we had to stop the show after the first song due to the heavy rain. I waited just like you behind the stage to come back To sing with you and the safety engineer did not allow us to continue. I love you, I appreciate the fact that you came and I promise to return to the streets soon!”

Odia Azoulai on the interrupted performance (photo: Instagram screenshot)

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