After poisoned report: Roman Abramovitch is seen in ceasefire talks in Turkey

by time news


The television footage from the negotiations in Istanbul proves: Roman Abramovich is in discussions and taking an active part. Screenshots from the Turkish media show the Russian-Jewish oligarch sitting next to Ibrahim Kalin, a spokesman for Turkish President Erdogan, while wearing headphones for simultaneous translation. It should be noted that Abramovich is not sitting next to any of the delegations.

Earlier, Turkish television reported that Kalin had assisted in arranging meetings between Abramovich and one of the members of the Ukrainian delegation at a hotel in Istanbul. The presence of the oligarch implies that he still takes a significant part in the mediation between the parties.

Last night, reports in various media outlets announced that the billionaire, who until recently owned the English football club Chelsea, was poisoned in the early peace talks that took place on the Ukraine-Belarus border.


While the ceasefire talks in Istanbul began coldly and without handshakes between the parties, the Mykolaiv municipality reports that the main local authority complex in the city was bombed this morning. A telegram post from County Governor Vitaly Kim said there were no reports of deaths or injuries, but eight people were still trapped under the rubble.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said this morning at the opening of talks between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul that Russian and Ukrainian presidents Putin and Zlansky are “valuable friends.” These conversations.

The Turkish president noted that both delegations had “legitimate concerns”, but the world had reached a point where the talks “must produce” real results. A lot rests on the scales, Erdogan noted, saying that in “fair peace” there will be no losers and that the current conflict is not beneficial to anyone.

“At these critical times, we are pleased to host and contribute to your efforts to establish peace,” Erdogan said, “I wish our meetings and discussions would prove to be beneficial to your countries, your region and the human race.”

Erdogan summed up his remarks by calling for an immediate ceasefire and saying that the cessation of the tragedy that is taking place depends on both sides.


144 children in Ukraine have been killed so far and more than 220 have been injured since the Russian invasion, according to the Ukrainian government. The figures are probably much higher because there are unconfirmed deaths in Mariupol.

The Ukrainian government announced that the shelling and bombing had damaged 773 educational institutions, 75 of which were completely destroyed.


According to the British Ministry of Defense, the Russian military company “Wagner Group” has deployed forces in eastern Ukraine and is expected to send more than 1,000 mercenaries, including senior members of the organization.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described tonight in an interview with PBS the latest sanctions imposed on Russia as a war against it. He said, “Unfortunately, these conditions are quite unfriendly. And they are like enemies to us. We have entered a phase of total war. And we in Russia, we feel like in a war, because Western European countries, the United States, Canada – they are really leading a war against us in trade. “In the economy, in the seizure of our assets, in the seizure of our finances, in the blocking of our financial relations.”

“We must adapt to the new reality. You must understand Russia, you must understand Russia,” Peskov said.

A Kremlin spokesman also referred to Russia’s ongoing tensions with NATO, saying: “For decades we have told the collective West that ‘we are afraid of your NATO move east.’ Please take care of it. Do not push us into a corner. “

“We said we were not happy with the coup in Ukraine. And there are guarantees from Poland, France and Germany. You probably remember the document with the signatures of the relevant foreign ministers. There is no response from them. Then we said ‘Listen, we are not happy about Ukraine joining NATO, because it’s Endangers us and that it will destroy the balance of mutual deterrence in Europe ‘. No Comment. Then we said ‘Listen, we want an equal relationship. We want to take into account each other’s concerns. If you do not take into account our concerns, we will be in tension. There is absolutely no response, “Peskov added.

“No one thinks about using nuclear weapons”

During the interview, Peskov made it clear that Russia will not use nuclear weapons. “No one thinks about the use or even the idea of ​​using nuclear weapons,” he said.

“First of all, we have no doubt that all the objectives of the special military operation in Ukraine will be completed. We have no doubt about it. But any result of the operation, of course, is not a reason to use nuclear weapons. We have a security concept that clearly states “We can use nuclear weapons, and in fact we will do so to eliminate the threat to the existence of our country,” he said.

During the day, face-to-face peace talks are expected to begin between Ukrainian and Russian representatives in Turkey, more than two weeks after the last non-virtual contacts. Both sides have expressed doubts about a breakthrough in the negotiations, and the Guardian reports that a senior US official said Putin did not appear willing to compromise.

Against the backdrop of tensions between NATO and Russia, US President Joe Biden said last night that he “will not apologize” after calling for Putin’s ouster. I expressed moral anger that I felt and I will not apologize for it, “he said when asked if he regretted saying that Putin should not stay in power. I’m outraged at this man’s behavior, “he added.

As you may recall, during a speech he delivered in Poland last week, Biden said that Putin “can not stay in power.” Officials in the United States quickly corrected his remarks, stressing that the president is not calling for a regime change in Russia.

Zalansky accuses: “Fear always makes you a partner in crime”

Tonight Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalansky delivered a speech urging the world to help his country. “Ukrainians should not die just because someone could not muster enough courage to hand over the necessary weapons to Ukraine,” he said. “Fear always makes you an accomplice to a crime.”

“If someone is afraid of Russia, if he or she is afraid to make the necessary decisions that are important to us, especially to get planes, tanks, necessary artillery, shells – it makes these people also responsible for the catastrophe created by Russian soldiers in our cities. Because if you could save – you had to to do this”.

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