After reaching the shiva of Chaim Velder: Rabbi Lau in a letter of clarification

by time news

A controversial visit by the Chief Rabbi: After receiving harsh criticism for reaching the seven of the ultra-Orthodox journalist Haim Velder, who is suspected of sexual offenses and ending his life about a week ago, Chief Rabbi David Lau responded today (Sunday) to criticism against him. In an official letter, Rabbi Lau first addressed the question of why he came to Shiva and sided with the victims.

In the letter, Rabbi Lau referred to the accusation that he had reached the age of Velder, who allegedly harmed many and many from the ultra-Orthodox sector and claimed that the purpose of his visit was to comfort Velder’s widow and orphans: “Unfortunately, I need to explain in words what they are going through, as if I do not identify with the victims. “

The Chief Rabbi clarified that “Even these days my heart goes out to the victims, who are going through very difficult days and we must all stand by them always and at this time especially. I have full confidence in everyone who is injured.” “Shout to us.”

“Do not move on to the agenda for any harassment or harm. These acts must be rooted out and uprooted from everything, as I have read more than once. “I have said these things at many conferences and I will repeat and emphasize this at every opportunity, in the hope that they will no longer hear such serious things within our borders,” Lau concluded.

As you may recall, about a week ago, the ultra-Orthodox writer Haim Velder ended his life. He was found lifeless in the Sgula cemetery in Petah Tikva, after apparently shooting himself at his son’s grave. Velder informed his family that he was going to a meeting, but when he did not come to the meeting, the police were called, who located him in the cemetery when he was shot.

Last November, an investigation was published by the time newspaper according to which Velder, who had been a key figure in ultra-Orthodox society for years, committed sexual acts on minors and the women he cared for. Walder, for his part, denied what was attributed to him. Walder, 52, was a best-known author in the ultra-Orthodox sector, and has written about 80 books, some of them real classics, which are almost a must in every home. In addition, he wrote a column in the newspaper “Yated Ne’eman” and was responsible on behalf of the Bnei Brak municipality for the center for children and families, which helps at-risk youth.

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