After shooting at a parish home, the Archbishop of Córdoba asked to prevent his province from becoming Rosario

by time news

CÓRDOBA.- “We usually say that this is not Rosario yet. We are in a moment where it almost depends on us that this It may not be Rosario, but if we neglect it, it will be in three months or it already is”. In that way, the Archbishop of Cordoba, Angel Rossi, launched the public warning after two attacks suffered by the property where the priest works Mariano Oberlin, who has spent years fighting drug trafficking and working for the recovery of young people.

Already in 2016, Rossi’s predecessor, Carlos Ñáñez, 50 priests, provincial officials, opponents and 800 people participated in a mass in support of Oberlín, who denounced the threats that the “madres del paco” had received after a note published by LA NACION. Then, the authorities of the archdiocese of this province joined in a “decided support for the” mothers of the paco “, who are trying to save their children.

Faced with the attacks registered in recent weeks – denounced by Oberlin on Facebook and in police stations – Rossi said that they are “very painful” and that they are “an almost caricature symbol of what we are experiencing, which is not only there and is widespread in the neighborhoods. that sad part drug managementof violence, it is not our town, they are some baited surely for silver interests and that are the ones that do us so much damage”. The Archbishop spoke to Miter Cordoba.

They had already robbed the priest in the town and, later, they attacked a property in the Campo de la Ribera area, in the Cordoba capital. It was last Tuesday afternoon; a man leaned over the wall of the place, brandishing a sawed-off shotgun.

“I repeat what they tell me, because I don’t understand anything about weapons. He fired two shots at the property in the area where we have a farm and there were a couple of guys working. Thank God, nothing happened, but it could have been very serious if he hit someone,” the priest said. The attacker escaped in a car.

“The boys from the farm caught a glimpse of it. At 60 meters, there was a police booth on the waterfront, but no one heard or saw anything. The car passed in front of the school, where there are four policemen guarding the boys when they leave, and no one saw anything either. The vehicle almost collided with a bus. One of our boys, who was with a mechanical shovel doing maintenance in a garbage dump, almost collided with him too and he got a good look at it.”, he described.

He added that they called him to tell him about the situation and told him that the car “had been in front of some houses for a long time, shouting and laughing with the people. We went out with our truck to drive around the neighborhood to see if we could locate the car”. They crossed it in the opposite direction: “The boys saw their faces and found that it was them. We chased them to take their license plate and we discovered that it was a car from Buenos Aires, from another brand. It’s obviously adulterated.”.

Along these lines, he asked the police to provide more security. “A guy who drives a car with an adulterated license plate, with a sawed-off shotgun, shooting with total impunity and nothing happens. The feeling of impunity is serious”, he lamented.

After that attack, the police assigned him police custody, although he clarified: “The problem is not with me.”

The archbishop admitted that, “sometimes one of our big mistakes is to generalize and say that all simple neighborhood It has -I’m going to say an ugly word- ‘malandras’ and it’s not like that, in no way, they are hard-working people. They are victims of these smaller groups”.

The priest Oberlín warns about the penetration of Paco’s kitchens in Córdoba and the narco violence for more than a decade.Diego Lima – THE NATION

For Archbishop Rossi, on the other hand, there is a “feeling of helplessness” because “fear has set in.” He added that “fear blocks, makes one not speak, closes doorsmakes us cover our ears and eyes for fear that reprisals will come later.

“This has to be a joint effort where some have more responsibilities than others. He Pope Francisco he often repeats ‘together we go out or together we sink’. We hope that with the willingness of the parties we will encourage ourselves to carry out a more serious, more aggressive job, not denying reality, ”she concluded.

Conocé The Trust Project

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