After Szépek és bolondok, Kállai vowed never to scold the judges again

by time news

2023-08-05 18:57:17

A They are beautiful and foolish it was first-rate cinema about third-rate referees. Its protagonist, István Ivicz (Ferenc Kállai), did not wear glasses, but when he was shouted at, “Glasses for the judge!”, he put on an eyepiece on the court. “I didn’t see anything,” he said. “But I respect you.” Forgotten-unforgettable films, part 10.

1976 was a strong year in terms of cinematography, when the masterpieces were shown The fifth sealyou are Pansyt, in addition, the latter attracted 800,000 viewers to the cinemas, and with this, in terms of Hungarian films, the film featuring Bergendy, Gemini, LGT, Omega and Skorpió took second place on the attendance list. Kangaroo (1.1 million) behind. 12 and a half million tickets were sold for domestic productions in 1976, roughly one percent of this, 123 thousand spectators, were interested in the They are beautiful and foolishra.

However, LGT also played in it, under the main title A forgotten word went, and each part of the song came back again and again as background music. In addition, the movie was about football, and at that time football was truly nationwide, the double rallies organized in the fall of the 1975/76 season were packed twice within two weeks at the Népstadion. FTC showed an average viewership of 29,400, Honvéd 14,600, Újpest 14,533, Vasas 13,567, and even Békéscsaba 12,333.

It is true that the focus of the film was not on high-profile football players, but on NB III referees. The judges were never popular, even back then they were told “your rude mother!”, and it belonged to folklore that someone shouted “lower!” in the now silent Népstadion, and then 75,000 people jumped up to continue in complete unity, regardless of affiliation: “top, king, ace, / stupid judge, what are you doing?”

The main character Ferenc Kállai, who played the referee István Ivicz, who was also a big fan of Ferencváros, declared after the filming: “I will never scold the referees again.” He said this not only because of the casting, but also because he had to run four to five thousand meters on the course of the Óbuda Brick Factory in plus four degrees on the ground, which was wet on the edges and snowy in the middle, which was horrible to look at.

Film Theater Literature, Theater and Cinema, Film Theater Music Film Theater Music, June-December 1975 (Volume 19, Nos. 27-52)1975-12-27 / No. 52 / Arcanum Digital Science Library

In the film, as Ivicz, he told it to his two coastguards, Gadácsi (Tamás Andor) and sent instead of Bruck to Fedák (Gyula Bodrogi), that he once put on an eyepiece on the Ganz track when they yelled at him: “Glasses for the referee!” But he wasn’t wearing glasses, so then: “I couldn’t see anything. But respect them.”
There are such beautiful details in the intimate cinema. It was rightly written at the time of the premiere: “Director Péter Szász, who wrote his film himself, managed to create such a strong atmosphere that captures and captivates the viewer from the first frame. The damp, damp hopelessness of the rural football locker room or a bourgeois home that has seen better days – the confectioner’s house – and the nutcracker’s quiet, foreboding atmosphere of an early dark winter Sunday after lunch: all these are depictions with a heartbreakingly strong atmosphere.” Even during the visit, the viewer has the feeling that there is no lonelier person than a football referee. Maybe just a confectioner. Or anyone else.

Hétfői Hírek was also enthusiastic about the work: “Ferenc Kállai plays in top form. The portrayal of film cameraman Tamás Andor in civilian clothes is a pleasant surprise. Judit Meszlery it shapes the woman’s figure with a restrained, captivating experience.”

Before Andor became a cameraman, he applied to be an actor five times. As a cinematographer, he recorded well-known films from A beeping cobblestone You ragged lifeig, a Love until first (and then second) bloodfrom a Witness againig. A They are beautiful and foolishban swings and flirts with thousands. In vain, in 1976, domestic football was still such a public sphere that not only for Bálint, Bené, Ebedli, Fazekas, Fekete “Golyó”, Karsai, Lajos Kocsis, József Kovács, Müller, Nyilasi, Pintér, András Tóth, Péter Török, Törőcsik, Várady, The beautiful and the not-so-beautiful went crazy for Zámbó, Zombori, but also for the third-class tacs judges.

Szasz was particularly excited about the backyard.

Once on the train I noticed a company. It turned out that they were three football referees who tried to officiate a match in some remote village. They were shabby Sunday people. I wonder why they do it? Why do they take their skin to the market every Sunday? Do they love soccer that much? Or is it some sort of escape? Will the match come after the six gray days when they are the main characters? Maybe someone who almost no one pays attention to on weekdays? Is refereeing some kind of compensation?

he told me.

Not compensation. Profession. As Kállai mentions himself in the film: “Ivicz always brings down the game.” And he really doesn’t know any jokes. He also says: “There is a lot of bribery at this time in autumn. Three bags of nuts. But they always say no.” And when his coast marker gives the wrong signal for the second time, he rushes to him to shove it down between his teeth: “Don’t pretend, Fedák, if I overrule you one more time, it’s all for you!”

Kritika Kritika 5. (1976)1976 / Issue 12 / András Nyerges: Beauties and Fools / Arcanum Digital Library

It is no wonder that the Hungarian Nation also voted in favor of the film, in fact it drew no parallels: “The They are beautiful and foolish distant relative Pál Sándor of his memorably beautiful work, a Old time footballto. It is possible that one or another of its scenes is a bit long, some moments could be more restrained, one idea or another takes away from the film as a whole, but these are forgettable mistakes in addition to the value that the They are beautiful and foolish, this pseudo-comedy is finally decent and humane, in short: a really fun movie.” The Iron People liked it less: “This is the most terrible,” he wrote. -. Becoming indifferent to a movie to the point that only the song remains in our ears. We already knew that from LGT before the film was made.”

To err is human thing. (The judges know this best anyway.) A They are beautiful and foolishin the advertisements published in the newspapers in 1976, you could read: “Color American film. Directed: Peter Szasz. Main actors: Ferenc Kállai, Gyula Bodrogi, Tamás Andor.”

Filmvilág Filmvilág, 1976 (Volume 19, Issue 1-24)1976-03-01 / Issue 5 / Arcanum Digital Science Library

Judith Meszléry, who plays pastry chef Ida, cannot be left out. As deliberately restrained as he was, he was as brilliant as Kállai, whom the Esti Hírlap To Gene Hackman resembled The newspaper’s critic believed that only on the American actor’s “sad manly face can one see such shamefully nuanced signs of inner happenings as on his”.

For this reason, the film, which now seems a bit drawn-out, although originally not fast-paced, still contains a lot of subtlety even in the grayness of the last round of autumn, can still be recommended to everyone. Perhaps the most beautiful is the scene in which Fedák, the coast marker and pear-peeling artist, holds Népsport in front of him at the rural railway station before his journey home the next morning, and reads to Ivicz what he actually improvises:

Great refereeing performance in NB III. Federal inspector Róbert Pogány told our editors by phone that he saved one of the most difficult matches on Sunday with the decisive and tough action of referee István Ivicz. István Ivicz, who unfortunately we have not heard of until now, did what very few in this country dare to do. He sent off the central striker of the home team, and with this decision, a NB III team was hit with relegation. This requires courage, a high level of judicial ethics, and the kind of authority that Hungarian sport has lacked for a long time. It is time to remember István Ivicz’s name once and for all. Well done, fellow sportsman Ivicz, well done!

Then Ivicz takes the paper from Fedák’s hand, which reads: “Pándok SC–Z. Kinizsi 1-1. 200 spectators. Goal scorers: Ruzsák, or Swordsman. He was led by: Ivicz – well.”
Filmvilág wrote: “Directed by Szász. Well.”

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