after the agreement reached with the ecologists, La France insoumise hopes to conclude with the socialists and the communists

by time news

“Making a political coalition does not mean everyone thinks the same thing”, assures the spokesman of the Socialist Party, Pierre Jouvet

“We are making progress in the dialogue with La France insoumise, with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts and the Communist Party, it’s a good thing”rejoiced Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the Socialist Party, which is taking part in negotiations with LFI and environmentalists, at the microphone of Europe 1. “What is most important is to support this left-wing project that we are building and that the French are waiting for. And me, I do not deny anything of what I am”promised the elected socialist when he was questioned by Sonia Mabrouk on the number of constituencies discussed between PS and LFI.

“Have you counted them? Have you counted the snakes that you have just swallowed on the international question, on Europe, on the exit from nuclear power, on secularism? »asked the journalist from Europe 1 in an interview style that Jean-Pierre Elkabbach would surely not deny.

“Do you know what the final project will be? No not yet. Do you think we’ve been talking for several days, almost twenty-four hours a day, just to talk about rain and shine? No more “replied Pierre Jouvet. “We are in the process of discussing these points of view and we note a simple thing: it is that many in the past […] had theorized [sur] the irreconcilable lefts. In reality, we are realizing that the lefts are not so irreconcilable”also replied the socialist.

“The European question has fractured the left for thirty years. So we’re not going to solve everything in the space of a week, and, obviously, forming a political coalition doesn’t mean everyone thinks the same thing. Me, I did not enter these discussions being “rebellious”, I will not come out “rebellious”, but you will see that the socialists will be respected on republican questions and on questions of secularism”estimated Mr. Jouvet.

Asked about the fact that the EELV mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle, is considering authorizing the burkini in the municipal swimming pools of his city, Pierre Jouvet argued that he was “against the burkini”saying that“Eric Piolle will do what he wants in Grenoble”. “But isn’t the gathering of the left also about having different advances and thoughts for some? Is the subject of the burkini the central subject of what will interest French women and men? Nope “judged the spokesman of the PS, putting forward that the questions around the purchasing power seemed to him much more important.

“I hear a lot from a former first secretary of the Socialist Party, I even hear former elected socialists who have now gone to La République en Marche who come to give us lessons. I simply say to them: “But you didn’t see what happened? You didn’t understand what happened? When you get 500,000 votes in a presidential election, 500,000 votes, don’t you think that’s the disappearance? »asked Pierre Jouvet.

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