After the arrest of Bruno Bidjang, the group L’Anecdote lets him go – 2024-02-13 14:11:27

by times news cr

2024-02-13 14:11:27

Tension is at its height within the Cameroonian press group L’Anecdote after the controversial arrest of one of its journalists, Bruno Bidjang. In a press release published on February 7, the group’s management dissociated itself from the reporter’s statements and announced severe internal sanctions.

The group L’Anecdote lets go of Bruno Bidjang

Without naming him directly, the text clearly targets Bruno Bidjang and his recent comments deemed offensive “to republican institutions”. We recall that the star journalist is accused by the authorities of “incitement to insurrection » after criticizing the rise in fuel prices.

In its press release, the L’Anecdote group therefore wishes to “ recall his attachment to the institutions of the Republic”. Understand: the official line of Yaoundé, which Bruno Bidjang dared to contest publicly.

« The group dissociates itself from any individual who speaks contrary to this ideal. » asserts the text again, leaving little room for doubt as to the fate reserved for the imprisoned reporter.

Internal sanctions announced

And the L’Anecdote group clearly does not intend to stop with declarations of intentions. The statement warns that “ consequences » will be drawn, following an internal investigation opened by the president of the group.

Without specifying the exact nature of the sanctions, there is no doubt that they will be exemplary in discouraging any further departure from the editorial road. Even if it means sacrificing Bruno Bidjang to save the line advocated by Yaoundé?

A general adjustment of staff required

But the L’Anecdote group does not stop at Bidjang cases alone. In a murderous memo made public the same day, he is bluntly “prohibits all staff (…) from making analyses, comments or giving their opinion on current issues”.

The instructions could not be clearer: the group’s journalists do not have to comment on current events without going through management, under penalty this time of dismissal. “for gross negligence”.

Enough to definitely bring into line any rebellious minds who might be tempted to follow the example of Bruno Bidjang. The time has clearly come for a total lockdown of communication, both internally and externally.

Will this pressure be enough to ease tensions with Yaoundé after the Bidjang scandal? To be continued…

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