After the audit in the State Comptroller’s report Yair Lapid: “Zion Wing plane should be sold”

by time news

The State Comptroller, Netanyahu Engelman, examined the decision-making process and the procurement of state equipment for the “Kanaf Zion” aircraft, which is intended for the Prime Minister and the President’s flight on official trips abroad. This morning (Wednesday) Costs and general disorder The Goldberg Committee recommended in 2014 that it purchase a dedicated plane to fly the heads of state, but the cabinet presented costs that were NIS 137 million higher than the costs that the Ministry of Defense presented to the committee.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who is known for his opposition to using the plane due to its cost, wrote tonight referring to Engelman’s conclusions: “The State Comptroller’s report is nothing short of appalling. “Spending so much money will not make us spend any more. This plane represents everything that is corrupt and spoiled in the Netanyahu government – it needs to be sold and now,” Lapid wrote decisively on his Twitter account.

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