After the barbecue, Macron’s beer is the bone of contention between Fabien Roussel and Sandrine Rousseau

by time news

2023-06-20 18:41:32

First point of agreement between Fabien Roussel and the President of the Republic since the pension reform. After the little controversy born of the images of Emmanuel Macron celebrating the victory of the Toulouse rugby players in the Top 14 on Saturday by drinking a beer in one go, the boss of the PC, once is not custom, came in support of the chief of State. “Sharing a moment of happiness and jubilation with a team that had a good match collectively, drinking a beer with them, that’s France, he judged this Monday morning on France Info. There is nothing shocking in that”.

Hops of discord on the left? Green MP Sandrine Rousseau denounced on Twitter on Sunday an image of “toxic masculinity in political leadership”.

“I don’t know where Sandrine Rousseau is going to find her words,” tackled Fabien Roussel. “In a game for a women’s team, the same thing could happen. I don’t see why they say it’s only men. We who are from the North, we know that the pleasure of a good beer can also be shared by women,” he added, laughing.

This is not the first time that the two allies of Nupes oppose on this ground. Right in the heart last summer, the Green MP stood out by taking herself… on the barbecue. During a round table organized at the Summer Universities of her political training in Grenoble, Sandrine Rousseau had called for “a change of mentality so that eating a steak cooked on a barbecue is no longer a symbol of virility”.

Remarks which had been widely commented on by the political class at the end of August, the most critical being this time again Fabien Roussel. “We eat meat according to what we have in the wallet, and not according to what we have in our panties or in our underwear,” he replied mischievously.

A moment “as shocking as it is a little ridiculous”

Emmanuel Macron’s beer not only made the environmentalist wince. “A President of the Republic should not do that” denounced the deputy and spokesperson for the PS group in the National Assembly, Arthur Delaporte, deploring “a message passed” which “is clearly not the right one” after ” 50 years of public health policies against alcohol consumption”. The addictologist William Lowestein, president of SOS Addictions also regretted a moment “as shocking as a little ridiculous”.

The majority obviously supported the head of state. “A president who shares the joy of 23 players and submits to their rite. Quite simply ”defended Renaissance MP Jean-René Cazeneuve seeing it, like Fabien Roussel, as a moment of conviviality.

Small nuance, however, from the boss of the PC this Monday morning: “I would not have drunk a Corona”, not he explained on France Info because it was former President Jacques Chirac’s favorite beer, but because he “prefers lager beers”, typical of the north of France. “My only regret: the President could have chosen a French beer! Fabien Roussel still had fun a little after the show on Twitter.

#barbecue #Macrons #beer #bone #contention #Fabien #Roussel #Sandrine #Rousseau

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