After the Culture Pass, Brigitte Macron wants a free “platform” with the “essentials” of culture

by time news

The wife of the Head of State wants to draw inspiration from the success of the Culture Pass to “imagine” a digital platform giving access to classics of French literature and cinema.

The classics of literature accessible in a few clicks? Brigitte Macron mentioned this Sunday on RTL her wish to launch a digital platform allowing to find the great French literary, theatrical and cinematographic works, inspired by the success of the Culture Pass.

“Imagining a platform would be my dream,” she says.

The project thought up by the First Lady would be the following: a site on which the entire population, and in particular teenagers, could have access to what Brigitte Macron calls the “essentials” of French culture. Among them, the wife of the Head of State cites pell-mell writers like Racine, Montesquieu or Baudelaire.

The platform would bring together classics of literature, but also French theater and cinema. “I want to be sure that all the children have had access to it”, she justifies, saying to herself “convinced that we need the basics.”

“The Culture Pass works well”

Brigitte Macron defends her proposal based on the success of the Culture Pass which “works well” with young people. This system offers individual credit to middle and high school students and students allowing them to buy cultural products.

“(Young people) go to the theater, they buy manga, they buy a lot of books,” she rejoices.

First reserved for 15-18 year olds, the device launched in 2021 has met with great success and Emmanuel Macron announced its extension to all college students last August. The envelope was a flagship commitment of Emmanuel Macron during the 2017 presidential campaign.

Call from Dominique de Villepin

The First Lady’s suggestion is reminiscent of a message sent by Dominique de Villepin to Emmanuel Macron on February 11 in the program What an era! on France 2. On the set of Léa Salamé, the former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac had launched an appeal to the President of the Republic:

“The deepest inequality, in my opinion, is the inequality of cultural heritages which marks children with a red iron and explains the perpetuation of inequalities in our country”, he had declared.

“Do you not think that the creation of a digital platform which would provide free access for all French people, and in particular for all young French people, to the most beautiful books of French literature, the best pieces of music, the best films, the most beautiful museum images, the best plays, wouldn’t that be the most beautiful of public services in addition to National Education?

An excerpt he posted on his Twitter account this Sunday, a few hours after Brigitte Macron’s intervention on RTL. He also congratulated the First Lady in another post.

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