after the debate, Jordan Bardella is pleased that Marine Le Pen “has shown the solidity of his project” against Emmanuel Macron

by time news

After the debate, each side defends its candidate, La France insoumise mocks the “boredom” of the duel

Attack on Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform or on the international credibility of Marine Le Pen: the lieutenants of the two candidates defended their candidates on Wednesday during the televised debate while elected LFI underlined “deadly boredom” of the evening and a “mess”.

In Emmanuel Macron’s camp, the leader of the deputies of La République en Marche, Christophe Castaner, criticized Marine Le Pen for wanting « quitter l’Europe » with his proposal for a European alliance of nations. “We want to continue to build a strong France, in a strong Europe”, he tweeted. Minister Delegate for Industry Agnès Pannier-Runacher echoed Emmanuel Macron’s attacks on Marine Le Pen’s connections with Russian power: « Mme Le Pen says he gives his full support to the Ukrainian people. In reality: she and her group in the European Parliament did not vote for financial aid to Ukraine, nor for the new set of sanctions. And that’s normal, you shouldn’t offend your Russian banker”she said on Twitter.

Those close to Marine Le Pen have blasted Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to push back the legal retirement age to 64 or 65. According to Louis Aliot, vice-president of the RN, this measure “it means more accidents at work, more occupational diseases, therefore more expenses and dependencies to be expected for our compatriots. Broken and ruined, that’s how Macron likes the French”he also launched on Twitter. “Marine Le Pen is in real life, Macron is in McKinsey’s cosmos”said, for his part, the spokesperson for the National Rally Julien Odoul.

Sovereignist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France), who called for a vote for Marine Le Pen in the second round, strongly criticized Mr. Macron on nuclear: “Destroy the nuclear industry with [François] Holland, close Fessenheim, then plan the opening of 50 wind farms at sea which will disfigure our coasts… and Macron wants us to believe that he is in favor of nuclear power? »

LFI MEP Manuel Bompard, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign manager, dismissed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen back to back on purchasing power: “Macron offers a bonus if the employer wants it. Le Pen proposes to raise wages if the employer is willing. Only Mélenchon offers a real increase in the minimum wage! »he tweeted. “If boredom were deadly, the Macron-Le Pen debate would be a cemetery”reacted the president of the LFI group to the Assembly, Mathilde Panot.

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