After the decision to no longer finance the studies of Ukrainians, the universities themselves are reaching out to them: they have revealed their autumn plans

by times news cr

2024-07-25 11:19:06

Young Ukrainians who have finished school and are preparing to enter a university or college in Lithuania will from now on apply for a state-financed place of study under the same conditions as all other graduates who have left school and passed the state matriculation exams (VBE).

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports explains that such a decision was made taking into account both the country’s financial capabilities and the fact that there are Ukrainians in Lithuania who studied in Lithuanian schools since the beginning of the war and received their secondary education here.

Higher education institutions themselves react to the changes in different ways – some of them have decided to continue paying for the studies of Ukrainians out of their own pockets, while others promise to partially cover the cost of studying for Ukrainian youth.

Named the reason

As a portal the representatives of the ministry stated in the submitted comment that the decision to change the financing conditions for the studies of Ukrainian citizens in Lithuania from the fall of 2024 was adopted by the Government and the Seimas, taking into account the state’s financial capabilities and the fact that there are already Ukrainian citizens in Lithuania who have started studying in Lithuania since the beginning of the war and already this year completes the secondary education program.

“Conditions are created for these persons to enroll in state-financed places in higher education institutions – starting in 2024. Ukrainians are subject to the same general admission procedure as Lithuanian citizens.

However, taking into account the difficulties faced by Ukrainians in Lithuania, they may still be exempted from the Lithuanian language and literature maturity exam this year.

For those who did not take this matriculation exam, the annual grade will be calculated, for those who took the school matriculation exam – its evaluation”, commented ŠMSM.

It is noted that Ukrainian students admitted to Lithuanian higher education institutions in 2022 and 2023, the obligations will continue – that is, they will continue to be reimbursed for the full cost of their studies, so they will be able to complete their studies with public funds.

According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, slightly more than 2,000 Ukrainian citizens studied in Lithuania last academic year.

Of them, about 1.6 thousand – in bachelor’s studies, almost 100 – in integrated studies, almost 300 – in master’s studies, 3 in residency, 1 in professional pedagogic studies and 45 in doctoral studies).

“We will see how many Ukrainian citizens will express their desire to study in Lithuanian higher education institutions from this September after the general admission to higher education institutions is over,” the representatives of the ministry said.

They will finance the studies themselves

It is true that, although the state intends to stop funding from state funds for future Ukrainian students, the initiative was taken by the higher education institutions themselves – they intend to cover part of the studies of war refugees from their own funds.

One of such higher education institutions is Vytautas Didios University (VDU). He continues to plan to accept Ukrainian students for bachelor’s and master’s studies, taught in English, and so far the higher education institution has received more than 190 applications for studies.

VMU intends to cover not all, but a significant part of the tuition fees of Ukrainians.

“The results of how many Ukrainians will be accepted and how many will receive university funding for studies will be known at the beginning of August. Currently, more than 300 citizens of Ukraine study at the university.

Ukrainians are planned to receive partial scholarships to cover tuition fees. Dormitory fee is partially compensated”, – to the portal the representatives of the university stated.

A little more than 40 students from Ukraine studied at the Vilnius college last academic year – from autumn it is planned to accept another 25 Ukrainians.

As a portal the representative of the college, Lina Bivainienė, assistant professor of the Department of Advertising and Communication, confirmed that in the coming academic year, the college will cover the entire tuition fee of the accepted young people from its own funds.

“We have consistently provided support to the citizens of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

We do not plan to refuse to accept Ukrainians to study, because we take the position that our higher education institution, by giving young people the opportunity to obtain higher education, helps the citizens of Ukraine suffering from the war”, explained L. Bivainienė.

The representative of the Vilnius College also added that a dormitory is provided free of charge to Ukrainians, and if possible, scholarships are awarded and other assistance is provided.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) will also pay for studies of Ukrainians from their own pockets. He intends to cover 40 percent of each of their tuition fees.

Vice-Rector of Studies Assoc. Dr. Živilė Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė estimated that currently there are about one and a half hundred students of bachelor’s and master’s study programs from Ukraine studying at the university, and a number of new students are expected in the fall as well.

According to the vice-rector, Ukrainians mainly study architecture, artificial intelligence systems, information technologies, creative industries, multimedia and computer design, construction engineering, applied artificial intelligence, and business management.

“The changed position of our state regarding the financing of Ukrainians will probably change the choices of this year’s applicants, but we are waiting for Ukrainian applicants as before, so we hope that their interest in studying at VILNIUS TECH will not decrease.

Currently, 77 students from Ukraine are invited to study. We will be waiting for applications until August 1, so we hope that 100 new students from Ukraine will join our community of international students”, – to the portal said Ž.Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė.

“VILNIUS TECH has committed to continuing to adhere to the provision that we applied to Ukrainian students enrolled until this year – to cover 40% of the tuition fee. tuition fees. We hope that this will be a support for those who choose to study at VINIUS TECH,” added the representative of the university.

Scholarships will also be awarded

Vilnius University (VU) will not allocate funds from its budget to finance the studies of Ukrainians, but intends to provide them with special scholarships.

“Currently, about 170 Ukrainians have applied to study at VU. From 2022, Ukrainians enrolling in VU monthly “LDK scholarships” established and financed by VU of 300 euros are awarded.

Also, Ukrainian citizens, who are students and employees of our University, are provided free of charge accommodation services in VU dormitories and internship bases,” explained Artūras Šaltis, head of the Student Admissions Department.

According to the VU representative, Ukrainian citizens already studying at the university who face financial difficulties can also apply for a one-time social scholarship.

About 500 Ukrainians are currently studying at VU in bachelor’s, full-time and master’s study programs. The university cannot yet say how many new Ukrainians will join in the fall.

According to the Ministry, in 2022 2.2 million has been allocated for the support of Ukrainian students from the Ministry of Education and Culture. euros for paying scholarships, partial reimbursement of tuition fees, temporary accommodation, etc.

in 2023 allocated 5 million euros, 2024 – more than 4 million EUR, of which almost 3.7 million EUR is allocated to students of the first cycle (bachelor’s) and integrated study programs, the remaining funds are allocated to students of the second cycle (master’s).

in 2024 it is still planned to allocate more than 60 million euros for the education of children and students who came from Ukraine in kindergartens and schools.

2024-07-25 11:19:06

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