After the disclosure of the details of the coalition agreement: In Torah Judaism, Likud is furious

by time news

After revealing the details of the agreement: Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu met this evening (Monday) with the leaders of Torah Judaism: Meir Foresh, Yitzhak Goldknopf, Ya’akov Asher and Uri Makleb. This, while in Torah Judaism the leaders are angry during the meeting with Netanyahu and claim that “the Likud has been inciting against the ultra-orthodox public for two weeks.” .

The Office of the Chairman of Torah Judaism, Rabbi Yitzhak Goldknopf, stated that “at this moment, the parties are still sitting in negotiations for the formation of the coalition agreement. The statement that ‘everything is closed’ did not refer at all to the publication of the demands attributed to the ultra-orthodox parties.”

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As mentioned, the meeting comes against the background of the report on News 12 in which the details of the coalition agreement between the Likud party and the Jewish Torah party were revealed, including a number of issues that affect the lives of all Israelis and not necessarily just the ultra-Orthodox population.

At the beginning of the agreement it is written that “Torah Judaism expresses its concern for the Jewish nature of the State of Israel due to the loopholes that are multiplying in commercial activity on Shabbat at Israeli festivals. The Likud and its leader will examine the claims of Torah Judaism in this matter, and its demands for action on this issue.”

At the beginning of the agreement, it was reported that the first section states that the representative of the Chief Rabbinate will participate in the committee for work permits on Shabbat, the second section states that from now on electricity will not be produced on Shabbats in the State of Israel and the third section states that the number of separate beaches in the country will be expanded. Shasha Biton’s matriculation reform will be canceled and Talmud studies will be increased for secular students. It was also reported that the hospital administrators will be able to prohibit the introduction of chametz on Pesach, contrary to the ruling of the High Court of Justice that exists today.

Yitzhak Goldknopf (Photo: Flash 90)

It was also reported that it was agreed between the parties, that the government will fund a Geniza of holy books and scriptures and fund bodies that will answer halachic answers received from the public, additional ultra-Orthodox cities will benefit from an additional discount on public transportation and the budget for ultra-Orthodox culture in the Ministry of Education will be at least 100 million NIS.

A clause that is claimed to have been agreed upon in all the coalition agreements is the cancellation of the board of directors, and in the agreement with Torah Judaism it is stipulated that affirmative preference will be given to the ultra-Orthodox in government companies. In addition, the kosher phone reform of the previous government will be canceled, every government service provided on the Internet will also be provided by phone or face to face and every citizen will be able to be buried in the ground and not necessarily in the floors.

Likud officials responded to the report: “Contrary to the publication in News 12, the published list is a list of demands of Torah Judaism and not an agreement that the Likud agreed to. For example, the Likud does not agree on the prohibition of stopping electricity production on Shabbat, the expansion of the segregated beaches and other things that were brought up in the talks. Any final agreement will be preserved On the status quo that has been customary for years in matters of religion and state.”

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

Prime Minister and Chairman of Yesh Atid, Yair Lapid, said in response to the publication: “The agreement between Torah Judaism and Likud is a disgraceful surrender agreement. Bibi is astonishingly weak and is leading us to a Halacha state. He is selling Israeli democracy for his personal interests. If they think we will pay taxes, We will go to the army, we will finance those who do not work and they will also tell us how to live. I have news for them – Israel cannot be turned into a dark country. Netanyahu is weak and sells our freedom for his freedom.”

The Minister of Finance and Chairman of Israel Beitenu, Avigdor Lieberman, wrote on his Twitter account: “Netanyahu has sold the country! We will fight these delusions and do everything we can to prevent them.” The chairman of the Labor Party, Minister Merav Michaeli, tweeted: “Netanyahu is selling the State of Israel.” as simple as that. We promoted public transportation on Shabbat – they promote a shutdown of electricity generation on Shabbat. And that is just the beginning. We came to banish darkness.”

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