After the discovery of “the seven from Pajares de Adaja”, the exhumations change location in the Valley of the Fallen

by time news

2023-07-30 09:17:12

The horizon of pending measures of the coalition government now in office can be cleared if the “Frankenstein” alliance of Pedro Sánchez and his pro-independence and nationalist partners go ahead. This is the case of the Democratic Memory Law that Alberto Núñez Feijóo said that he was going to repeal if he was elected and that, in view of the result of 23J, it may not have come to an end.

At this point, several objectives come into play, some active and others paralyzed, waiting for what happens in the coming months, since it cannot be ruled out that there will be a new appointment with the polls at the end of December. This is the case of the illegalization of the Francisco Franco National Foundation (FNFF), which is underway after the Executive used a decree law to modify the Foundations Law with a new article that contemplates judicial extinction at the request of the Protectorate. of Foundations. If the modifications that the Franco Foundation has presented do not pass the filter, it could have its days numbered within half a year. In any case, FNFF sources are aware that Pedro Sánchez will once again “make a move when he is interested” with “the wild card Franco”, either in another electoral campaign if there are new elections or if he could reissue the coalition.

Another measure partially undertaken but far from being developed is the redefinition of the Valley of the Fallen, which includes the deconsecration of the Basilica of the Holy Cross and the departure of the Benedictine community, with the extinction of the Foundation of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen –created in August 1957– “because its purposes were incompatible with constitutional principles and values”. As detailed in article 54, the extinction will take effect when the royal decree that will establish the “new legal framework applicable to the Cuelgamuros Valley” enters into force.

The intention of the Executive is that the Valley of the Fallen be considered “a place of democratic memory” whose change of meaning will be focused on making known “the circumstances of its construction, the historical period in which it is inserted and its meaning”, exposes the norm, which prohibits the acts of exaltation of the Civil War and the dictatorship. one is already underway web that picks up your new status.

What does continue in Cuelgamuros –as it was renamed– is the task of exhuming the families of Republicans that began on June 12, after six months of preparations. An operation that arose from the request of the Lapeña family, a pioneer in 2016 with a court ruling for the purposes of which another 128 have been added, grouped in the Association of Relatives for the Exhumation of the Republicans of the Valley of the Fallen, who are represented by Silvia Navarro , whose goal is to find the remains of his great-uncle «Pepe» –José Antonio Marco Viedma– to be returned to Calatayud, where he was shot on September 2, 1936.

At least 33,847 victims of the Civil War are buried in the ossuaries of the Basilica of Cuelgamuros. In a report issued in 2018, the scientific-technical committee of the Forensic Medical Council concluded that the mixture of bone remains and the deterioration due to the time elapsed make the genetic identification of cadaveric remains a task of “extreme difficulty”, for which reason It is foreseen that, if exhumation is technically impossible, measures will be adopted that allow a reparation “of a symbolic and moral nature”. This has not been the case of memorialist Fausto Canales, who on July 5 was informed by National Heritage that they had identified his father, Valerico Canales, shot by Falangists in Pajares de Adaja (Ávila). Three other victims who fell with him – Emilio Caro, Román González and Flora Labajos – were also recovered, and forensics are trying to identify three more in the same box, number 198: Celestino Puebla, Pedro Ángel Sanz and Víctor Blázquez del Oso.

Despite this progress, sources from the Association for the Defense of the Valley of the Fallen (ADVC) assure that that area of ​​the Sepulcher chapel –on levels 1, 2, 3 and 4– where 59 bodies were searched for, has been abandoned to continue work in the Santísimo, which could mean that there have been no more findings there.

The ADVC, which represents the families that oppose intervention in the Valley of the Fallen to the detriment of the remains of their ancestors, has warned on several occasions about the difficulties and doubts of the process, although the same sources have evidence of that they are being “very careful with the boxes where they know ours are; They are taking us very seriously.”

Two operators move bags in the back of the Basilica of Cuelgamuros, where exhumation tasks are carried outLA RAZÓNLA RAZÓN

In the area where the Lapeña would be, as in other ossuaries, there are better preserved parts, according to a 2019 study by the Eduardo Torroja Institute of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), but those in lower positions have suffered decades of humidity. The ADVC considers that it is a “difficult” task, apart from the fact that “there is only judicial permission to search for the Lapeña brothers; the rest would be a desecration». And he has already warned of the “order” of families who feel their rights have been violated that they will exercise “as many civil and/or criminal actions as may correspond to them for manipulation without their knowledge and express authorization.” In this sense, his intention is to demand DNA tests of the remains to be sure that there have been no errors.

Both one party and the other awaited the result of July 23 with suspicion. Navarro, given the possibility of “a change of government” in favor of the PP, while the ADVC said they expected “anything”, even with a PP and Vox Executive.

In the same chapter of exhumations, although at another level, the remains of General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano and the war auditor Francisco Bohórquez were already removed from the Macarena basilica in Seville, once the Macarena brotherhood received the request from the Government in which it urged compliance with the Democratic Memory Law, which prohibits this type of tomb in prominent places with free access.

By this same disposition, the fate of General José Moscardó and that of Lieutenant General Jaime Milans del Bosch were about to be decided, buried in the Alcázar of Toledo along with 200 other bodies. They are part of the almost 2,000 people who remained locked up and besieged in 1936 inside the fortress for 68 days, until the rebel troops entered the city in one of the most symbolic deeds of the Civil War, the outcome of which Franco accelerated before to take the road to Madrid.

Moscardó was then a colonel and the highest military authority in Toledo as director of the Central Gymnastics School, and Milans del Bosch was only a 21-year-old soldier. His subsequent role was decisive in 1981 when he joined Tejero’s coup attempt from Valencia.

Who must make a decision is the Ministry of Defense, currently responsible for the management of the Alcázar, headquarters of the Museum of the Army. The Law of Memory establishes that the mortal remains of “leaders” of the military coup of 1936 may not remain buried “in a pre-eminent place with public access” that could favor “the carrying out of public acts of exaltation, exaltation or commemoration of violations of human rights committed during the War or the Dictatorship”. However, the crypt of the Alcázar is closed to the public and does not fall within the route of the Army Museum.

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