After the Government’s intimation, the CTA and the CGT issued statements

by time news

2024-01-12 00:21:25

The Central Workers of Autonomous Argentina (CTAA) denounced this Thursday “political persecution and attempted intimidation of the working class,” after Javier’s Government decided to fine union and social organizations with an alleged “solidarity payment” of millions of pesos for participating in the protest on December 27.

“Through the Ministry of Security, the Government ordered the CTAA, the National Territorial Federation, the State Workers Association (ATE), the Historical Conadu and organizations from other centers and social movements to pay fines of 56,760,282 and 40,419,227 pesos for participating in the marches on December 22 and 27,” he stated.

A union document maintained that “these penalties or supposed ‘solidarity payments’ are acts of persecution and intimidation by the Government of Javier Milei, which seeks to maintain an unconstitutional norm, in addition to attempting to attribute to the workers a crime not committed, because they are only exercising their right. constitutional to the protest,” he pointed out.

The CTAA, co-led by the state government Hugo Godoy and deputies Ricardo Peidro (medical visitors) and Mariana Mandakovic (university students), made judicial presentations rejecting these injunctions, and filed complaints with the International Labor Organization (ILO) starting from “ the unconstitutionality of the anti-picketing protocol, which creates and determines punishments for alleged crimes not included in the Penal Code.”

“The Ministry of Security does not have the authority per se to modify it and establish these penalties. The CTAA rejects and repudiates this persecutory, discriminatory and abuse of power action and will advance new complaints in international organizations such as the ILO, since the protocol is a norm that violates the constitutional right to union action, to organize and to protest. of the workers,” stated the sector document.

The labor union also ratified the strike and mobilization towards Congress on the 24th of this month in rejection of the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23 and the omnibus law, through which “President Milei intends to govern by decree, exercise abuse of power, overwhelm Congress and destroy the labor and social rights of the Argentine people with the sole objective of establishing a de facto state of siege,” he concluded.

The response of the CGT

For its part, the CGT warned that the measure taken by the national government “will not condition the organized labor movement.”

“The CGT does not represent the interests of a ‘caste’ but rather those of the workers of our country who, in a democratic society and in accordance with the National Constitution, have the right to enjoy the protection of the rules, to organize unions, to negotiate collective agreements and to exercise the right to demonstrate and strike,” the labor union said in a statement.

The workers’ union, led by Héctor Daer, Carlos Acuña and Pablo Moyano, considered this action by the Ministry of Security as an “illegitimate affront and contrary to the Constitution” that “exposes the government’s vocation to ignore freedom of association and the right to strike and of protest against any attempt to express rejection and discontent.”

But he warned that this official intervention “will not condition the organized labor movement.”

The CGT considered the intimations as a “new provocation” by the Government and a “new attempt” to “silence all protest demonstrations by organized workers in expression of their legitimate claims against the most regressive labor reform in the entire democratic history of our country.” ”.

The official telegrams were sent by the Ministry of Security to unions such as Truck Drivers, Metallurgical Workers Union (UOM), Construction Workers Union (Uocra), Central of Argentine Workers (CTA) and Association of State Workers, the union of Workers and Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), among others.

#Governments #intimation #CTA #CGT #issued #statements

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