After the High Court ruling: Netanyahu met with Deri at his home, the legislation in the Knesset will be stopped

by time news

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intended tonight (Wednesday) with Aryeh Deri Following the High Court’s determination that Deri is unfit to serve as a minister due to extreme improbability. The Likud party’s lawyer, Michael Rabilo, joined the meeting between Netanyahu and Deri, when ministers Malchiali, Biton and Ben Tzur were also present at the meeting.

According to estimates, Deri will resign as soon as tomorrow from his positions as Minister of Health and Minister of the Interior, and Prime Minister Netanyahu will work to quickly advance the appointment of Deri as an alternative Prime Minister.

Sorting things out for you: What are Netanyahu’s options and who will get the health and interior portfolios?
“Extreme improbability”: these are the High Court’s reasons for rejecting Deri’s appointment as minister

Likud officials estimate that following the High Court’s determination, all legislation in the Knesset, including the law on ombudsmen, will be stopped, and the coalition will only promote the overreach clause and the cancellation of the reason for reasonableness.

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After the verdict was handed down, the heads of the coalition parties said: “We received with shock, pain and great sorrow the verdict in the case of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Aryeh Deri. His extraordinary abilities and vast experience are needed by the State of Israel in these complex days more than ever. Beyond the grave personal injustice caused to Minister Deri itself, the verdict constitutes a huge injustice to over two million citizens, the majority of the people, who voted in favor of a government headed by Binyamin Netanyahu in which Aryeh Deri will play a central and significant role. We will act in every legal way at our disposal and without delay, to correct the injustice and the severe damage caused to the democratic decision and in the sovereignty of the people”.

“Maariv” has learned that the coalition is already preparing this coming Monday to vote on a proposal of constructive non-training that will be submitted by one of the coalition members, when in the alternative government proposed according to the law Deri will not serve as Minister of Health and Minister of the Interior, but as an alternative prime minister.

The basic guidelines that will be submitted will be similar to the basic guidelines of the current government. In this situation, even those who objected to the cancellation of the reason for reasonableness, will support it. In the meantime, following the ruling of the High Court of Justice, a curfew was announced on Likud interviews.

Yariv Levin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Aryeh Deri Yoav Galant (Photo: Reuters)

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Yariv Levin, referred to the High Court ruling and said that “Today at 4:00 p.m., many Israeli citizens received an absurd message from the Supreme Court, according to which their vote in the elections held two months ago – was canceled. The ruling issued today tramples not only the vote of nearly four hundred thousand Shas voters, but also the election of the majority of Israeli citizens, who knew all the relevant facts and voted for a government headed by Netanyahu, in which Aryeh Deri is a senior partner. I will do everything necessary so that the crying injustice done to Rabbi Deri, to the Shas movement and to Israeli democracy – will be fully corrected.”

The “Degal HaTorah” party stated after the verdict that “Once again, the court interferes in things it has no authority after the Knesset enacted a fundamental law. The High Court of Justice drills their dish again and again and interferes in things that are not theirs. We will support all the legislative procedures required for Rabbi Aryeh Deri to serve in the government.”

The High Court of Justice ruled earlier by a majority of 10-1 that Deri is not qualified to serve as a minister in the government. This, after a hearing held about two weeks ago by an expanded panel of judges that examined the petitions against the appointment.

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