After the hour of tales, that of accounts and filing for bankruptcy?

by time news

Christmas is behind us, time for short stories has already rung. The year 2022 ends this Saturday at midnight, and it’s time for accounts which is coming soon.

Emanuel Macron, l’hsomeone who didn’t like Francenavigates since his re-election to the presidency of the Republic between storytellings addressed to children (those who boast of imaginary successes) and bankruptcy filings reserved for adults (consequences of the very real socio-economic, social and energy crises).

“Miracle” solution worked out at full speed in the “general interest” for some, “criminal indulgence” for others who see in it only a negation of the precautionary principle in the name of juicy industrial and private interests: the umpteenth dose of gene therapy, called “vaccine” for those who have forgotten what Pasteur had developed, no longer flourishes.

The transmission of the Covid could then well continue, it has in fact never been neither prevented nor reduced by a few injections, which were only political injunctions. Science has proven it. Gabriel Attal, who was waiting to find out before decidingforgot it cynically like a vulgar electoral promise.

Suspended carers, still not reinstated, left destitute and abandoned after being on the front line of the health crisis, are thus asked to forget it, science. Otherwise, there is enough to drive crazy: to be banished from society for refusing to take a product imposed for a reason which is useless, which does not work.

On a forced march, the French government is one of the last in the world to refuse their return to the care services which, in this time of shortage, they miss so much. Its pretexts invoked, in particular by the Minister of Health Braun, are increasingly questionable, not to say fallacious.

But how to do otherwise when it comes to maintaining a grotesque, anti-scientific decision, based from the start on an immense lie from which the politicians in power will never be able to exonerate themselves?

Statistics of the vaccination status of deaths from all causes would make it possible to be clear about the effectiveness of the vaccine – and to avoid some myocarditis in passing.

Because the side effects of mass vaccination are beginning to make themselves known and to be recognized thanks to the work of citizens in medical neglect. Let us think, in particular, of those courageous women who, in the face of menstrual disturbances who have already trained hysterectomies, refuse to shut up and allow themselves to be abused. Stop looking away.

Does the state of our society and the economy prevent certain awareness?

2022 was the year of all the increases that overwhelm our fellow citizens: increases in debt, in the price of all energy sources, raw materials, basic food products…

It was also a year of record loss of competitiveness for our country, once capable of completing large-scale industrial projects in order to export its know-how. But what is this desire to destroy everything that made us proud, united, from employee to engineer, from employee to captain of industry, when we were all in the same boat France? Let’s stop closing our eyes.

In a count worthy of the sandman, Prime Minister Borne made use, 10 times, in an interrupted series, of article 49.3. The same one that makes any assembly of deputies as useless as 10 RER of provinces.

Good news: the government’s responsibility is engaged. Bad news: he knows it perfectly and ordered from Santa Claus of a few millions tear gas canisters.

The French were already crying. If Mr. Macron could this time give them both eyes to do it.

An increase deserves special attention: the record number of lies distilled to the people. Fragmented and biased information leads to group truth (what the group thinks is true) that has managed to win out over Truth, again leading to abuse.

Elon Musk’s takeover of the social network Twitter does not escape this “inflation of canards” which benefits conformism and laziness of Parisian journalists. The latter, refusing to look the facts in the face, thus serve an interest quite different from that of the French.

Did Musk censor several journalists? Its recruitment of several of them, among the most independent and respected in the United States, made it possible to expose the bewildering scandal of the #TwitterFiles.

Let’s surrender”account” : these show, without possible dispute, the interference within a social network, used worldwide and which weighs 44 billion dollars, of various political or intelligence bodies. Yes, the FBI. No, not conspiracy.

Only the naive would think that what happened in the United States could not concern Brazil or France, countries of recent elections.

The censorship will have been political, the censorship will have overwhelmed those who wanted to believe in a medicine of care free from conflicts of interest, the censorship will have prevented mentioning the vaccine fraud and its worrying side effects, the censorship will have silenced political opponents, censorship will have suppressed political scandals before elections.

And the vast majority of journalists don’t care and look away. Unless…

FranceSoir has lost its political and general information certificate. Pattern ? The newspaper founded by Pierre Lazareff would no longer be a media of general interest. FranceSoir supposedly harmed the health of the French by challenging the health policy.

Little by little, subject after subject, time proves FranceSoir right, its prestigious guests who have never abandoned doubt, science, research, questioning.

Did the confinements not affect the health of the French, especially the youngest? Haven’t the vaccines, whose effectiveness is now struggling to be sustained, harmed the health of our fellow citizens because of numerous side effects in age groups forced to be injected with several doses when they risked so to speak nothing at all from the Covid?

The examples are numerous. They will have to be quoted with patience. For that, you have to continue to be able to write, to express yourself. It’s called freedom of expression. Freedom of press.

Like evoked in our manifesto, we have made the shared bet of modern, collaborative and quality journalism, and we assume our intellectual, political and financial independence. Present, open, curious, plural and imperfect we will remain. We will persist. You have to keep your eyes wide open.

The country of Human Rights would therefore have become a world of accusatory inversion, a tale for adults where the general interest – THE TRUE! – namely that defined by Jean-Jacques Rousseau takes precedence over the particular interest of some: those who benefit from the crime. Which good?

However, rather than looking back and lamenting, let’s look ahead, drawing inspiration from Voltaire’s quote from the Philosophical Letters: “It is to him who dominates minds by the force of truth, not to those who make slaves by violence, that we owe our respects. »

In 2023, our cardinal points will have to be to continue with our collective sense to rebuild the nation by favoring exchange and belonging to the group. Again, being on the same boat, not forgetting the trimmers, finding captains who are dignified, honest, respectful and able to plan ahead.

Let’s stay the course with our own compass that allows you to find common sense!

The best is yet to come.

The entire FranceSoir team and the collective of citizens will be present in 2023. We wish you a happy new year and good health to you and yours.

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