After the killing, complaints arrive from animal rights activists: “Bear killed unnecessarily” – News

by times news cr

2024-08-01 16:58:39

TRENTO. The position of animal rights activists, already clear on the issue – well before the fate of Kj1 was discussed – was reiterated with the announcement of the killing of the bear, guilty of having attacked a French tourist in Dro.

L’ENPA, National Animal Protection Agencyhas filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trento, against the President of the Province, Maurizio Fugatti, for violation of theArticle 544 bis of the Criminal Codeor for killing an animal with cruelty or without necessity. On the basis of the same article, section ter instead of bis, a complaint was filed for mistreatment of the bear’s three cubs, again against Fugatti.

“The context in which this killing was perpetrated is extremely serious and shameful, that is to say on an animal that is identifiable and traceable because it was radio-collared, and the ‘animalicidal’ haste of Fugatti is extremely serious, as he the killing decree was issued in the dead of night to prevent any action by the TAR“, declared the ENPA, then underlining that “the administrative justice had already suspended two death warrants from the Province and that, most likely, it would have suspended this one as well”.

This is only the first official complaint, the trend seems to be well definable.

In fact, on the same wavelength, there is Italian Animal Rightswho announced that the complaint, on their part and against Fugatti, is imminent: “We will report Fugatti for the violation of art. 544 bis, that is, unnecessary killing. We are proceeding with a request for access to the documents and the opinion of Ispra. The time has come to clarify and do justice for Kj1 and for all those who cannot speak”.

The Association added that there is “outrage and anger in the face of yet another act of barbarity that saw the tragic killing of the bear Kj1, an animal whose life could and should have been saved”, the “brutal episode” that “is not only a manifestation of incompetence and indifference, but a clear demonstration of a systematic lack of respect and humanity towards the creatures that share our territory”, would have seen – according to Walter Caporale, the president, “Governor Fugatti transform himself into a Wild West sheriff, all guns and badge, but with zero ability to protect life, completely ignoring reality and his responsibilities. Fugatti is now just a criminal at largeinstigator of yet another murder of a living being”.

“I ask him: what are you hiding in living only of hatred for bears and wolves? Your failed political management, thanks to which you have a golden salary and benefits at the expense of Italian citizens?”, Caporale then concluded.

The parallel between Fugatti and “the sheriff” was also proposed in a joint note between the Parliamentarians of the Five Star Movement of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber and Senateo Alessandro Caramiello, Susanna Cherchi, Sergio Costa, Sabrina Licheri, Gisella Natural and Luigi Nave: “Fugatti, immersed in the figure of the armed sheriff, ignores the TAR rulings, we are faced with an animal that wanted to protect its cubs: solutions are needed to guarantee coexistence between humans and animals. We turn to Minister Pichetto Fratin, and to the majority, who talk a lot about animal rights but remain silent in the face of carnage: we must stop all this”.

The deeper it went Natural Gisellawho said she was “saddened”, before later stating that the demolition, carried out “by the hitmen of Governor Fugatti, who derives personal satisfaction from these actions to the point of not being able to sleep at night”, was ordered during the night, “when the TAR cannot act”.

It’s also hard Wwf“The killing of the bear Kj1 ordered by President Fugatti and carried out this morning by a team from the Trentino Forestry Corps is a defeat for everyone and demonstrates once again that there is still much to be done to build real human-bear coexistence in the Alps. The removal of problematic individuals cannot be the only way to guarantee coexistence between local communities and plantigrades”.

According to the association, “the Ministry of Environmentwhich in April 2023 had opened a technical discussion table that was then lost track of, should take on a more active role in bear conservation strategies in the Alpine context. The goal must be to obtain a viable brown bear population in the Alps, in coexistence with humans. To achieve this goal, it is essential to allow a spatial expansion of the population also in other suitable Alpine areas, prevent and reduce human-bear conflicts and promote a positive attitude of local communities towards the species, through the dissemination of correct information. The time has come to apply all the tools and the best strategies to prevent conflicts, and that removal is not considered the only possible option”.

According to the WWF “it is important to underline, also in view of a correct communicationthat the risk of accidents, even if all possible efforts are made to reduce risks, can never be eliminated. But it can be significantly reduced where correct action is taken to improve the knowledge of local communities and tourists and where it is possible to foresee also strategies aimed at reducing risks in case of aggressive interactionssuch as bear spray. The use of bear spray is permitted in the USA, Canada, Russia and in several European countries such as Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland and Romania”.

2024-08-01 16:58:39

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