After the meeting. A governor revealed the profit floor and the retirement formula proposed by the Government

by times news cr

The day after the Government received the leaders of the provinces at Casa Rosada, the man from Rio Negro Alberto Weretilneck revealed the profit floor and the new retirement formula that the administration proposed Javier Miley to advance the negotiations towards the May Pact.

And despite the disagreement of a good part of the local leaders with the first issue, that of the tax on salaries, they showed optimistic That the new simplified bases law con 190 items Advance. The governor of Río Negro said that this will depend on the articulatedwhich they learned verbally on Friday but hope to have the text with the details in the next few hours, especially in relation to the delegation of powers; and that will also be tied to the “negotiating doll” of the national executive.

Income Tax

Regarding the return to the Income Tax, whose floor had been raised by the then Minister of Economy Sergio Massa during the electoral campaign, Weretilneck was blunt: “We we strongly oppose“We have said it in previous meetings and we ratify it so that there is no doubt.”

Convinced that this charge represents a fact of “absolute injustice” justified the opposition of the Patagonian governors to this issue anchored in the decline in the purchasing power of salaries and the labor reality of their provinces.

“With the drop in the purchasing power of salaries in the last year, charging another deduction on top of that is even exaggerated. It cannot be accepted under any point of view“, he maintained in Radio Miter, in the first place. And, when he enunciated the second part of his motives, revealed the figure to which they seek to roll back the tax from Balcarce 50. “In Patagonia we have a much higher cost of living and, as the cost of living is higher, salaries are higher. No matter how much it gets an apartment 1,500,000 pesosIn Patagonia our salary has to do with gas and oil; affects practically the entire mass of workers”, he indicated.

After that, he confirmed that the Government stated in the voice of the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse; and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, return the profit floor to 1,500,000 pesos. That figure generated, according to Weretilneck, dissimilar positions among the governors. “Some said yes and many of us said no.. “No one can compromise the vote of any deputy or senator on such a sensitive issue,” she noted.

Retirement formula

However, he said that he thought it was good that this was not the central theme of the meeting and highlighted two issues that already They will not be included in the legislative project that intends to turn the Casa Rosada to Congress: withholdings and that President Javier Milei has the power to give the increases retirement by decree.

“There are no withholdings in this law. It was evaluated yesterday by the governor of Córdoba [Martín Llaryora] because withholdings were decisive”indicated on this point that it blocked the discussion of the omnibus project in extraordinary sessions.

“And the other issue that is not there is retirement mobility as it was raised before: that the President was delegated the possibility of setting the salaries of retirees,” said Weretilneck, who revealed that The Casa Rosada plans to update pensions due to inflation starting in April and they plan to make the connection with these months that maintained the previous formula through an “additional ten points.”

Furthermore, the governor of Río Negro said that the Patagonians were interested that those 190 articles included productive issues, hydrocarbons and encouragement of new investments, which direct the issue towards support for the initiative.

“Although the vast majority have an intention to accompany, we have to wait for the detailed text that will be sent in the next few hours, to see what the titles mean in delegation [de facultades]. We have to wait for the bases that the Government aspires to have as a delegate. This was not discussed in depth,” the provincial leader warned, however.

The idea about the funds to be transferred from the Nation to the provinces

Meanwhile, about the trust fundswhich generated dispute in the extraordinary elections when the omnibus law fell, Weretilneck for his part said that “the Government can do what it wants” since there are a lot of provinces that “are not even interested” in those boxes.

“We are proposing something surpassing. The concept that is beginning to be imposed is that we want to have a clear and linear relationship. That the funds that belong to the provinces as a result of pacts, laws and fiscal agreements be transferred directly to us. The provinces will take charge and thus avoid this issue of give and take, and unpredictability that we raise before the world with all the jurisdictions discussing,” he summarized, anchoring in the fact that now each territory must also absorb the costs of public works, transportation and the teaching incentive, all suspended at the national level.

“With respect to the law based on this tone and the productive package, I think I am optimistic. You have to see the text of the law. With respect to what we saw, I am optimistic that progress can be made. Depends on fine text of the law and the negotiating doll of the central government, which is a government that is not very inclined to accept ideas from another. It is a government with a fairly important authoritarian bias. We have to see if there is this practice of sitting down to dialogue and accepting modifications from those who have to vote,” he stated.

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