After the murder of Lola in Paris, the government says it must “do better” on the expulsions of irregular immigrants

by time news

Five days after the murder of little Lola, 12, in Paris, government spokesman Olivier Véran said on Wednesday October 19 that the government should ” do better “ on the expulsions of irregular immigrants, after having been questioned by the right and the extreme right on this affair.

“We are working hard to ensure that the evictions” be “follow-up”most “Obviously we have to do better”he said following the Council of Ministers.

The main suspect in Lola’s murder, Dahbia B., a 24-year-old Algerian, was indicted on Monday for “murder” et “aggravated rape” and locked up. She entered France legally in 2016 with a student residence permit, but had been subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) since last August.

Read also: Death of Lola in Paris: what we know about the suspect’s journey

The right and the far right point to migration policy

The government spokesperson was thus questioned on this subject by journalists following the questioning of the responsibility of the government in this affair on the subject of migration, by elected representatives from Les Républicains (LR) and the National Rally (RN) .

Tuesday, during questions to the government, the deputies Eric Pauget (LR, Alpes-Maritimes) and Marine Le Pen (RN, Pas-de-Calais) notably referred the executive to its impotence in the fight against illegal immigration, which the extreme right has been making its honey for years. “Using the coffin of a 12-year-old girl like a stepping stone is a shame! »replied the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti, to the applause of the majority and the entire left, together marking their disapproval of what they denounce as a “ political recovery ».

Read also Understanding the dispute over illegal immigration figures between France and Algeria

The day before, it was the presidents of RN and Reconquête!, Jordan Bardella and Eric Zemmour, who had mirrored the tributes of the Head of State to the Ballon d’Or Karim Benzema, French of Algerian origin, or to the demonstrators Algerians killed by the French police on October 17, 1961 in Paris, and their silence on the crime. The Elysée Palace has in the meantime made it known that Emmanuel Macron had received the family of the victim on Tuesday.

While the Ministry of the Interior has specified that 20% of OQTFs have been executed since the beginning of the year, taking into account voluntary returns, “ the level of compliance with OQTFs today is the maximum level known during President Sarkozy’s five-year term”underlined Wednesday Mr. Véran. “We have multiplied by almost twenty the number of OQTFs to Algeria compared to last year, which was a rather exceptional year, given the situation on the Covid”he added.

“The time has not come for a political trial”

During his interpellation on the subject, the government spokesman also invited the opposition elected officials who argue to show ” dignity “after reporting that the Council of Ministers had welcomed the « courage » Lola’s parents “who face the unspeakable”.

“The time has not come to bring a political trial, political overexploitation, as we have seen it done for a few days, it is the wish of the family”criticized the Minister, recalling: “You have millions of families who recognize themselves in the parents of little Lola and it strikes us all, it marks us all and it horrifies us all”.

“Obviously we want the strongest sentences, obviously we want justice to take its course as quickly and as firmly as possible”he added, before concluding: “There are a lot of answers that we need to get and it is not up to a leader of a political party, to a parliamentarian or to journalists today to do this work, it is up to justice to do so and therefore we respect the time of justice”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The executive on the defensive in the face of the recovery of the murder of Lola by the right and the far right

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