After the Olympics, chaos?

by time news

2024-08-12 14:00:00

« Give them bread and circuses! »

If, for the time being, many French citizens are still numbered by the Olympics, the coming months promise to be even more difficult for businesses, homes and the entire French economy.

At the Paris Stock Exchange, we are very concerned about this. Indeed, there is something.

Let me explain.

Well, as it stands, it’s not in the euro zone that the wind of panic is blowing through financial markets. It’s on the other side of the world. In Japan, of course. However, Japan can be called ” The Land of the Rising Sun “, it is true throughout the world that the Japanese financial situation foreshadows a crisis. A crisis has already been announced by “experts” as less catastrophic than that of 2008 (” subprimes “), perhaps even worse than that of 1929 (” Black Thursday “), even more action than in 1982: the elimination of France, in the semi-finals of the Soccer World Cup, in Seville, in Spain, by the Germans of Horst Hrubesch (last shooter), four shots on goal to three. , after of which Six have lost (1), and even after the “attack”, the sin of lese majestéperformed by Harald Schumacher on Patrick Battiston.

This terrible crisis for French football, and therefore for the country, has damaged an entire generation of the French people. The proof: 42 years later, it’s with an unmistakable tremolo in my throat that I raise it here today.

Jokes aside, the truth is: unfortunately, the Tokyo stock market experienced its worst day in 40 years last Monday. Indeed, the Tokyo stock market suffered, on this occasion, the worst loss in points in its history in one day. Nikkei 225 (equivalent to CAC40) suddenly fell by 12.4%, breaking the record dating from 1987, the year of “Black Monday. » What do these two periods have in common? A source of doubt. In 1987, it was a report on the US trade deficit, deteriorating in the midst of an economic expansion, that initially worried investors. This time it is The report is from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The reason is the highest unemployment rate since October 2021, at the end of the pandemic.

In the wake of Tokyo, many stock markets were disrupted. The CAC 40, the Paris stock market index, opened down 2.5%before reaching the low, passing -3% around 9:30 am If the Paris index recovers during the day, it spends the day in the red. Wall Street also fell as well The Dow Jones was down 2.8% at the openin the middle of the day And he recovered within a week, but for how long?

Besides the financial bubble, other consequences worry the markets. “American technology”, embodying so-called “progressive” quality values, has garnered very mixed results in recent days. Many analysts now criticize Amazon, Microsoft and Apple for investing in artificial intelligence that costs too much. As for Tesla, the company stands with net income in half.

Finally, another factor of concern in the medium term, the state of China.

Performance continues to decline in new production releases. For now, China seems unable to revive domestic energy as it wants to do. The potential position in foreign markets is isolated, and the country is rated by the real estate industry in free fall, which makes the companies that depend on it suffer. And, now, China is Japan’s main economic partner, just. Likewise, regarding French luxury and the German car industry, Japan’s two key partners also. This did not prevent Bernard Arnault to buy back many shares in his group – the crisis and losses presented many opportunities for those with money.

Through too much anticipation or through simple logic, there are many red lights on the markets. While waiting for new economic indicators this week. Starting with the work sector this Monday. However, many French citizens are still fascinated by the Olympics or the final ceremony, it is difficult as possible and often has symbols that everyone will comment on in his own way. So it will be a while before the eyelids open, the ears open and the message of real dangers reaches the brain. They are quick to rush to get an injection to get a health license under the threat and obstacle of being perceived as bad citizens rather than being interested in the real economic situation. Olympic truce obliges.

However, despite the side effects of the frantic race for debt “whatever” which affects the economic health of France in the short, medium and long term, despite those of the vaccination health policy which affects their health, there is something more. worry for the French citizen. Much more worrying. Especially for storage.

Yes! It is a secret for no one: attention, unfortunately, is there.

Because 3,100 billion France has a public debt, which is an additional 70 billion in annual interest, and 112 billion that the future Government will have to find before the end of the year (to satisfy the mandate that the European Commission has asked for France to do. reduce the deficit its budget to less than 3% in 2025), France is in a price situation. And he can no longer get out of it by getting a new loan. For what? Simply because, taking all this into account, if France had issued a new loan request, it would not have seen any take on the financial markets. None of the institutional investors (4) will agree to this. This is more so if, from level “A” (in this area) where it is artificially treated in 2024, France is down to level “C”, i.e. if it does not reduce its deficit as we have said above. We know very well that keeping dust under the door only lasts for a while, in the same way as keeping a corpse or economic corpse in boxes. By putting the pieces back together with adhesive tape, things break or don’t work with the authorities created to control us!

Therefore, the French State has only one “solution” to prevent the French financial system from collapsing: the protection of French savings. The “Final Solution” decided to completely bleed France. The secret thing Because it’s our project! » For the result of which Emmanuel Macron was placed in the Elysée.


For 40 years, sponsors of politicians have been chasing it, looking at the savings of France. With France’s insoluble debt to which Emmanuel Macron has contributed to the greatest amount (in 7 years, he spent more than François Mitterrand in 14, and more than Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Jacques Chirac combined in 19 years) , it is now established. , recorded: Bernard Arnault, François Pinault, Vincent Bolloré and other patrons of Brigitte Trogneux’s husband, will finally be able to share the cake.

And we, the citizens whose job it is to spit in the basin, obviously, will not be invited to the banquet. However, as always, we will print the money.

And, be careful! It will be salty!

Technically, the securing of French savings would be included in this. Three steps.

The first step, all the public information of the city and its media at its command, will present this as a miracle and a national solution, which is important for all the French people to save the country, and for the day the future of your children, because in addition ” You will earn money! »

The second stage, a law will approve the “obligation” made to French savers to hand over to the State the savings they have made through passbook, life insurance or stock market investments. Why do I put “responsibility” in quotes? Because as an “obligatory” vaccine, it would be a hidden obligation: consent obtained under influence. In fact, the French State will offer a stock market security based on French savings. Treasury bonds have a high attractive interest rate, but pay off in ten or twenty years, and have the following two important characteristics. On the one hand, refusing to use one’s savings to buy these Treasury bonds will be considered as committing the crime defined by this law (actually for the crime defined by the martial law, which is punishable with 5 years imprisonment and a fine of €75,000 for refusing to be requested to go forward), and, on the other hand, this money will be blocked until the deadline set by this law for the repayment of these Treasury bills.

And, the third step, the repayment of these Treasury bonds will not be honored.

Pardi! The state boxes will be completely empty again when the time comes. For what? Because between the years that will be between the introduction of the forced loan, and the deadline set for its repayment, politicians will continue to do what they have done for 40 years: stealing public money. First of all, with public spending that is overwhelmingly materialized through public contracts systematically awarded “to friends of friends” (against high kickbacks, a story of all members of the mafia gorge themselves on), and incidentally because of the pharaonic life of the train that politicians also pay. for including our taxes.

Yes. THE nine billion euros that Macron and Co. plan to give themselves this way, these men and women will have put in their pockets, once again, if nothing is done quickly. And, it’s not Tom Benoit who will challenge me!

At the request of many readers, I will ask you for your plan to get the product.

Without forgetting the danger of widespread conflict on the world stage. economic crisis, petaudière in the Middle EastThe Russo-Ukrainian conflict is down, some people will have to be brave for Peace for the situation to rest. Unless of course chaos is actually a strategic plan that some seek to hide their true desires, their injustices, their crimes and their inability to exist. Image agreement in the interest of the people, a weapon of passive destruction. This is not a problem for everyone!

1) Didier six. This match lost four matches on gold to three; and which has been broadcast, I believe, regularly on TF1 and on Antenne 2; I looked at “7 à 8” in Troyes, with Raymond Devos’s friends: a person from Sète, a 4×4 dealer, and a person from Châteauneuf (2), two people with whom I have hit “at two. -two”, exactly. Bertrand Renard confirmed. (3) There you go. I hope I get five out of five.

2) Châteauneuf postal code: 06740

3) section manager ” The numbers “, from the television show” Numbers and Letters : bertrand+renard+wikipedia

4) the only stock exchange companies that can borrow amounts of this gigantic amount.

#Olympics #chaos

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