After the pension dispute, Elisabeth Borne reestablishes a “dialogue” with the unions

by time news

2023-07-13 09:35:55
The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt (left), at Matignon, in Paris, July 12, 2023. BERTRAND GUAY / AFP

Back to normal after the long pension dispute. On Wednesday July 12, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, received, simultaneously, at Matignon, the heads of the main trade unions and employers’ organizations in order to define a program of negotiations on questions relating to the world of work. The meeting made it possible to lay the first milestones for a « agenda social » on which there are still several unknowns, both in terms of the method and the timetable. The head of government promised to give a lot of leeway to her interlocutors and to include in the law the compromises they would reach. Commitment “unpublished”according to her, which proves her ” trust “ in the « dialogue » with representatives of workers and business leaders.

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After this meeting “multilateral”, which lasted one and a half hours, the union and employer leaders spoke in turn, facing the press, in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Matignon. The atmosphere was rather relaxed, sometimes funny, even if Sophie Binet launched some very sharp spades against the executive: the general secretary of the CGT derided “the appalling failure of the “hundred days” announced by the President of the Republic”, referring to this period, opened in mid-April by Emmanuel Macron, which was supposed to erase tensions around the pension reform. A desire for appeasement that the recent urban riots have reduced to nothing.

Several guests of the Prime Minister welcomed the interview with her. It was ” useful “, according to Marylise Léon, the number one of the CFDT, and François Hommeril, the president of the CFE-CGC. One moment « important »added Cyril Chabanier, the boss of the CFTC, and Patrick Martin, who has just been elected head of the Medef. “We are opening a new page on subjects that interest a lot of active people”underlined, for his part, François Asselin, the leader of the Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

“We will continue the discussions”

As Frédéric Souillot, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO), recalled, the social partners had come to Matignon with a « proposition d’agenda », made public eight days earlier. Wednesday’s discussion between them and Ms. Borne was therefore largely based on this document. On a first block of files, the unions and employers will be able to conduct their talks in a ” autonomous “ – that is to say without having to comply with the prescriptions of the power in place: governance of private social protection groups, promotion of union careers, beginning of a reflection on the extension of provident schemes in favor of employees no frames…

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