After the scandal regarding the exam results, the temporary head of the NŠA has no intention of resigning: that would be the easiest thing to do

by times news cr

2024-07-29 08:24:14

“It would be easiest here. I also told the ministry – I just need to withdraw my consent to temporarily hold office and it’s like everything is over. It certainly won’t end there. I really choose the more difficult path”, A. Aldakauskas told LRT radio on Monday, when asked if he intends to retire from the position of interim manager.

“You’re offering the easiest way out, and it’s as if that would make it easier for everyone. We found the culprit and that’s it. It was very clear in my mind the whole time that finding fault did not solve the problem. Problems need to be solved,” he taught.

According to A. Aldakauskas, if the problems that have arisen in the agency are not solved, related to both the intermediate examinations of eleventh graders and the results of high school graduates’ exams, it is unlikely that next year’s exam sessions will run more smoothly.

A. Aldakauskas emphasizes that the responsibility for the situation falls both on him personally, on NŠA, and on Info-tec, the company that digitized the exam results.

“Both myself and the agency are responsible. We don’t bury our heads in the sand like ostriches. But we also appreciate the fact that the company itself has assumed part of that responsibility”, said the director of NŠA.

Currently, a competition is underway for the position of head of the NŠA. A. Aldakauskas also participates in the competition. According to Vice Minister of Education Ignos Gaižiūnas, the agency should be headed by a permanent director in the fall.

Until then, according to I. Gaižiūnas, it makes no sense for A. Aldakauskas to withdraw from the position of temporary manager.

“We would not see much sense in changing the leader now, bearing in mind that there must be a permanent leader in the first half of September,” said the vice minister.

“To plant a new person for another two months so that we have even more chaos (…), we really don’t see much sense,” he concluded.

ELTA reminds that last Thursday the National Education Agency (NŠA) informed that the final results of the twelfth grade papers changed due to an error in the calculation of exam grades by the company that digitizes the results of high school graduates’ examinations.

It has been announced that the results of the main session foreign languages ​​(English, German, Russian), biology, physics, geography and re-session exams are changing after the mistake.

“The company informed that, due to a technical error, the algorithm for calculating the final exam result did not include the corrections of the answers chosen by the student to the closed-ended questions on the answer sheet. For this reason, the final assessment of 2,832 graduate works changes to the higher side, on average about 1.4 points out of 100, and 1,044 to a lower one, the average change is insignificant – 1.3 points out of 100”, – stated the interim director of NŠA, Aidas Aldakauskas, in a previously released announcement.

The temporary head of NŠA informed that five graduates failed their exams after the corrected errors.

“Five students appeared, (…) who will not pass the exam,” said A. Aldakauskas, unable to say whether these students’ matriculation certificates will be annulled.

NŠA noted that all the updated information has reached LAMA BPO, so the process of admission to higher education institutions is not disturbed.

2024-07-29 08:24:14

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