After the signing: 42% of the public supports the gas agreement with Lebanon

by time news

The gas agreement with Lebanon, which caused differences of opinion in the political system, arouses controversy among the public as well. This is according to the Panels Politics survey, conducted for “Maariv”.

In response to the question “From everything you know and have heard about the agreement between Israel and Lebanon on the issue of gas and the maritime border between the countries, do you support or oppose it?”, 42% of the participants in the survey answered that they support it, 31% answered that they oppose it and 27% had no opinion.

A segmentation according to the blocs shows that among Netanyahu’s supporters, 18% supported the agreement, compared to 58% who opposed it and another 24% who replied that they had no opinion on the matter.
In contrast, among Netanyahu’s opponents, 76% supported, 4% opposed and 20% had no opinion.

In the survey conducted by Menachem Lazar, Director of Panels Politics, for “Maariv”, 707 members of the panel participated, and it was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, both Jews and Arabs. The survey was conducted on October 12-13 and the maximum sampling error is 3.7%.

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