After the storm: The draft law will go up for first reading in the Knesset plenum

by time news

The Knesset plenum approved the draft law on first reading yesterday. The bill passed by a majority of 51 supporters against 48 opponents. After the vote, the chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni Erupted at the prime minister and coalition officials: “A country without Torah. What are you celebrating? We should have torn a tear at the despicable law. Shame and disgrace. You passed a pathetic, degrading, humiliating, anti-Jewish, anti-Torah law. We must tear. “Shame on a poor anti-Jewish law. You will fly to hell.”

As you may recall, about two weeks ago, the law fell after the vote ended in a draw: 54 supporters against 54 opponents, including MK Jida Rinawi Zoabi from Meretz who voted against, in protest of the promotion of the Citizenship and Planting Law in the Negev, and actually overthrew the law.

MK Moshe Gafni (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman – Noam Moshkovich / Danny Shem Tov)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Responding to the results of the vote on the Facebook page: “The entry of the ultra-Orthodox into the labor market is the benefit of us all. Tonight we passed in the first reading an important amendment to the recruitment law that lowers the exemption age, Some are simply waiting in the yeshiva without self-realization until the age of 24 – an age when many of them are already with family and children – and have to “compromise” on a profession. This creates a situation in which hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox live a life of poverty. “Dependence on the state for years. Lowering the age of exemption from military service for ultra-Orthodox to 21 will allow ultra-Orthodox young people to study professionally at a reasonable age, work in quality work throughout their lives and provide for their families with dignity.”

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Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Yonatan Zindel)Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Yonatan Zindel)

The Foreign Minister and Chairman have a future, Yair Lapid: “We promised and kept: Equality of burden! There is no such thing as rights without obligations. We all have a responsibility for the fate of the country. This government and this party, there is a future, continue to keep promises. We make moves that for years and years no one dared touch. The law on equality in burdens has undergone many incarnations, but the principle remains the same: there is no such thing as rights without obligations. We all have a responsibility for the fate of the state. For national security. Today this law passed first reading in the Knesset. We promised that we would not stop or be silent or rest until that happened, and we did not stop. It is not a perfect law, but it will lead to more ultra-Orthodox being recruited, more ultra-Orthodox going to national service, The center. Instead of slogans, practical compromises that bring results. Promise and fulfill. “

Prime Minister Bennett and Foreign Minister Lapid (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman - Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)Prime Minister Bennett and Foreign Minister Lapid (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman – Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)

Reida Rinawi Zoabi, Which two weeks ago dropped the bill and supported the evening, said: “To ratify a law similar to the members of Arab society, and any law in this context that concerns the Arab public, I voted today in favor of the Haredi Recruitment Law.”

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz“We have now passed in the plenum the draft law on first reading – a first step on the way to the overall service outline that I intend to promote, which will meet the security and social needs of the State of Israel for decades to come. We will continue to work for Israel’s security and resilience.”

MK Uri Maklev: “You have made Torah scholars criminal citizens, the army is not a value but a necessity, but Torah study is a value – Torah scholars bear no less of a burden than anyone else, and you are going to destroy this tradition. The truth is known, there is no need for recruitment, today the army holds “Thousands of soldiers are not needed. And most importantly, the biggest absurdity is that those who decided whether the Torah scholars would be criminal offenders are the Arab Knesset members.”

Subsequently, the Knesset plenum approved on first reading the National Civil Service Bill (Amendment No. 4), 5722-2021. 49 Knesset members supported the proposal and 48 opposed.

The bill includes a number of amendments designed to supplement the amendment to the Security Service Law regarding the integration of yeshiva students, which also includes a national-civil service track, among other things, it is proposed to add additional types of bodies And to the required weekly service hours (some shorter than currently scheduled and some longer), add a service track in public bodies that will allow Ofek to integrate into employment in those bodies, increase the number of servicemen that can be placed in ZAKA and the Rescue Union, extend service hours in civil-security service, To allow for certain programs and positions to extend the duration of service from two to three years, as well as to allow studies in vocational training and completion of education within the service hours.

The opposition’s no-confidence motions were rejected

Earlier, the plenum rejected the no-confidence motions submitted by the opposition factions. The proposal “The Israeli government through the Minister of Defense leads to a dangerous political move that will harm Israel’s security” was rejected by a majority of 42 supporters against 56 opponents. While the proposal “a dictatorial government that breaks the law and carries out illegal wiretapping” was rejected by a majority of 45 supporters against 52 opponents.

MK Ophir Akunis Presenting the Likud proposal, he addressed Defense Minister Ganz and said: “You hosted in your home in Rosh HaAyin the Holocaust denier Abu Mazen who is behind the lawsuit against our forces in the International Court of Justice in The Hague. You met him, asked him to remove this lawsuit? Did you talk to him about it? “Did you agree to release terrorists with blood on their hands? The Arabs do not understand these gestures, when they see weakness they beat you.”

MK Ofir Akunis (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman - Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)MK Ofir Akunis (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman – Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)

“You are a government of elected officials without a public, you are detached, corrupt, opaque. Elected public figures without a public not only express confidence in them, tell them you are tired, you have failed, go home,” he added.

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz He replied: “Like it or not, the Palestinian Authority is the legitimate and recognized leadership of our neighbors and over the years, in all Israeli governments since its inception, we have coordination and cooperation with it, along with deep and difficult disagreements. The Palestinian Authority also knows that “It must step up the security fight against terrorism, stop payments to the families of terrorists and halt international processes against us.”

“At the same time, unlike those who conducted processes under the table – I chose to conduct them openly in Ramallah and Rosh HaAyin. To coordinate, work in cooperation, strengthen the economy – and also demand a return. The long-standing weakening of the Palestinian Authority, Israel and failed the test of the result, he continued.

Ganz added: “Strengthening the relationship with the Palestinian Authority while adhering to our principles also contributes to our political and security ties. American, European and other factors, they focus on the issue, ask and are interested, and reinforce these moves as contributing to regional stability. “With the Palestinians, they are critical to our security, to the future of our children and to what our country will look like.”

In summing up, Ganz said: “We will not advance political arrangements now, but we must maintain a relationship that will allow a political horizon, that will ensure our security, our international power and the continuation of the Zionist vision.”

Minister of Internal Security Amar Bar-Lev“I will not let you beat the Israeli police unjustly and what has happened in recent days is out of proportion. I say clearly to anyone who expects me to decapitate, I will not reveal .

“It is clear that like all weapons, from these to pistols, these technologies must be monitored under strict rules of use and subject to the existence of a court order. There is no dispute about that and according to all the tests and findings so far, this is exactly how the police acted,” he said.

Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman - Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar-Lev (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman – Noam Moskowitz / Danny Shem Tov)

Bar-Lev added: “Of course this does not mean that in the past, even in the distant past, when you were members of the opposition, you were in charge of the Israel Police. The legal adviser who will also check back, perhaps during your own time, the opposition, had one particular event or another in which this or that technology was used illegally. Therefore, those who should be afraid of postcards that may be revealed about past use that are not illegal – it is precisely you, the opposition and your criminal friends. “

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