«After the stroke, I was forgotten by Hollywood»- time.news

by time news

2023-06-06 13:47:46

Of Simona Marchetti

Guest at the «Raising Our Voices» event dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in cinema, the actress spoke about the difficulties in finding work she has experienced over the past 20 years and the challenges she has faced to herself

By her own admission, “at one point in my life I was a big movie star.” Then in 2001 she suffered a stroke “and they gave me a 1% chance of surviving” and since then Sharon Stone has felt forgotten by Hollywood, dumped and set aside like a broken doll, which was no longer needed more. «Since I recovered, I haven’t had any jobs – admitted the 65-year-old actress, guest of the event, not by chance “Raising Our Voices” di The Hollywood Reporter, dedicated to the future of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in the world of cinema. -. When that happened, I didn’t want to tell anyone, because if something goes wrong with you, you’re out. Something went wrong with me, since I’ve been out for 20 years.”

In fact, in the last two decades, Stone has appeared in several films (such as «Catwoman», «Lovelace», «Golden Boy») and TV series (including «Low & Order – Special Victims Unit», «Better Things », «The New Pope»), but none of those roles lived up to the stellar fame of «Basic Instinct» or the Oscar nomination for «Casino».

«I lost my place in the world of work and often having to defend myself caused me a lot of problems and prevented me from being hired for some roles. I was the sexiest movie star, you know? It was like only Princess Diana and I were that famous. She died, I had a stroke. And we have been forgotten», concluded Stone bitterly, triggering applause from the audience, which became even more thunderous when the actress recalled the work she has done over the past twenty years for the World Health Organization and for the United Nations. Tasks that will not have earned her any Hollywood recognition, but which have nevertheless allowed her to be the voice of all the unheard voices. And she couldn’t be more proud of that.

June 6, 2023 (change June 6, 2023 | 1:47 pm)

#stroke #forgotten #Hollywood #time.news

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