After the tactical withdrawal to Lyssytchansk, what will Russia do?

by time news

“Au 131e day of total war on the territory of Ukraine, the front extends from the Kharkiv region to the Kherson region”, reports daily online Ukrainian Truth. But above all, the most important news seems to be that “on July 3, the armed forces of Ukraine withdrew from Lysychansk and retreated to the administrative border of the Luhansk region”.

This withdrawal would have been decided by the Ukrainian general staff to avoid an encirclement of its troops in what constituted the salient of Lyssytchansk, according to the site of the Ukrainian newspaper Novoié Vremia. “In the face of the multiple advantages available to the Russian occupier in artillery, aviation, multiple rocket launchers, ammunition and manpower, the defense of the city could have led to fatal consequences.” The media explains:

“To preserve the life of the Ukrainian defenders, the decision to withdraw was approved. The fight goes on. Unfortunately, to succeed, an iron will and patriotism are not enough, you need resources in armament and material.”

On July 2, continues Novoié Vremia, “Kremlin puppet Ramzan Kadyrov [actuel dirigeant de Tchétchénie, allié de Moscou] told Russian propagandists that the occupiers were surrounding Ukrainian soldiers in Lysytchansk, but the National Guard Ukrainian had then denied these declarations by explaining that the city was not surrounded and that violent combats took place in its surroundings”.

Lysytchansk has fallen, now what?

always according to Novoié Vremia, “the main objective which the enemy had set itself, at least since the month

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