After V. Rupšis’s criticism – L. Kasčiūnas’ response: he has comments for the general himself

by times news cr

2024-07-31 00:58:00

“In any case, it is honorable, let’s say so, to leave the position and let others work a little, to whom these positions belong now. And not to stick sticks in circles, but to help with intellectual advice. But it’s everyone’s choice, how they see that code of honor,” said L. Kasčiūnas in an interview with Elta, responding to V. Rupšis’ remarks to “Verslo žinia”.

“If we are going to talk about some remarks, then we can all have remarks to each other,” he retorted to the former army commander.

L. Kasčiūnas emphasizes that decisions regarding the establishment of parks of countermobility measures are based on military advice. Also, according to him, the works of establishing the infrastructure for the German brigade are going smoothly.

“Not one shovel is buried,” said the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, directly referring to V. Rupšis’ speech.

“When you move, work, when you have a direction, when you have a concept, when you have a very clear strategy, apparently someone may not like it anymore. Naturally, when there is energy, someone apparently ran out of that energy, now it looks somehow different and now decided to comment. This is their business, their right,” said L. Kasčiūnas in summary.

– In an interview with “Verslo žinios” published on Monday, former army commander V. Rupšys criticized the initiative regarding countermobility measures. He said that there seems to have been some kind of misunderstanding on this issue, and the army’s approach to the accumulation of engineering means and fortifications is different from that of the ministry. Were these things not coordinated with the army?

– I have to say a very simple thing – the whole plan of our line of defense is without a doubt based on military advice. As for all the calculations of the need for mines, for the creation of parks of countermobility measures, for afforestation, for the preparation of trenches, for the digging of anti-tank ditches in some regions – this is based on military advice.

It is very strange to me that the set of measures we proposed did not appear until 2024. in August. From my point of view, seeing the lessons of the Ukrainian war, this should have been done in 2022. on the other side. Now I would not be racing against time, wondering if we will be able to fill the vehicle parks or not. I can confidently say that they will be filled. But when I came, I did not find a single contract for countermobility measures. Now they are. They are not only there, but the tools are being produced, they will be released on August 22. will appear at first base. (…)

The discussion may need to be deeper – how many places need to be fortified continuously. In other words, not only do you need to have bases from which you can move assets to where they are needed when intelligence indicates, but there are places that, again, based on the military’s analysis, need to be permanently fortified in advance. Fords, for example, so that enemy tanks do not pass through the shallows – they need to be constantly fortified. Bridges that are not in use, but could potentially be used by the enemy for an advance, also need to be fortified. These things will also be done – in the course of about a month and a half.

In other words, we are gaining momentum, but we should have done it much earlier. We used to hear claims that this is a 19th century concept and so on. (…) In this place I heard abstractions about maneuver warfare, about the fact that fortifications are not needed. Well, forgive me, but every interpretation must be supported by arguments. When there is no argument, excuse me, then there is the political will to move forward.

– The former army commander, while criticizing the initiative of countermobility measures, just received a question as to whether the leadership of the ministry listens to the military advice. You say – yes, everything is combined together. However, V. Rupšys indirectly criticized you personally – according to him, there are managers who try to understand more, there are also those who have “too much energy and little responsibility”. Your last name is not mentioned directly, but apparently it can be logically assumed that it is you. Do you accept such criticism?

– If someone can have comments for me, then I can also have comments. For example, the development and integration of drone capabilities is something we are trying to do now as time goes on. We are getting additional money for drone acquisitions, but that should have been done two years ago. You can debate endlessly what role drones will play in a potential military conflict, but you can’t stay out of the process. We are currently guided by 2021. concept, pre-war concept. From my point of view, this is completely unforgivable.

The second is the fight against drones, radio electronics, physical destruction of drones. Believe me, there is a lot of work to be done here so that we can move forward. Like the countermobility package, where to chase now is what I found.

If we are going to talk about some comments, then we can all have comments for each other. (…) But I think now is not the time for those remarks. In any case, it is honorable, let’s say so, to leave the position and let others work a little, to whom these positions now belong. And not to stick sticks in circles, but to help with intellectual advice. But it’s everyone’s choice how they see that code of honor.

– V. Rupšys also spoke about the German brigade – more specifically, about infrastructure works. He vividly says that “so far, not a single shovel has been dug into the ground,” so an alternative plan must be thought of to accommodate German soldiers and their families. This topic was also discussed in the foreign press. So what’s going on?

– Let’s start with the fact that this is too important and sensitive a topic for us to throw around some unfounded assessments now. Work is in progress. I can provide a complete list of works – starting with the installation of internal roads at the Rūdninkai training ground, the installation of shooting ranges. Tenders have already taken place, contracts have been signed, and work is underway. More than one shovel is buried, excavators are working at a very high pace.

Access roads are being prepared for Kyla and Rukla, which is also part of the German brigade. Within a week or two, we will have a contract for the first phase of the construction of the military town. We did that very quickly. If we saw how much time it took to conclude contracts when we installed three new military towns in Rokantiškės, Šiauliai and Šilalė, then the speed we have now acquired is incomparable. It’s a completely different pace.

I will answer the insinuations with the work done. And the list of completed works – both near and far – will be presented to the public as soon as we have the contract for the construction of the military campus. It will be mid-August.

– Recently, there has been more and more criticism of the ministry and you personally in the public space. Last week, there was a discussion about the statements of Arūnas Kumpis, a volunteer fighting in Ukraine, and now – the rebuke of the army commander, who has already left. Is there any signal here?

– I don’t see any connection between these two things. Volunteer soldier Arūnas Kumpis, the source of his criticism was that we need to integrate the drone capability faster, set up a training center for soldiers and the like – which I fully agree with. You just need to understand that it costs at least a week to do it. (…)

Everything else… When you move, work, when you have a direction, when you have a concept, when you have a very clear strategy, apparently someone might not like it anymore. Naturally, when there is energy, someone apparently ran out of that energy, now it looks somehow different and now decided to comment. This is their business, their right.

Now I would leave apparently the autonomy and the right to those who are currently in office. We have a new army chief, our direction and vision are completely aligned, we work hand in hand. I have great respect for General R. Vaikšnor and I think we will do a lot of work.

2024-07-31 00:58:00

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