After writing “Torch would get a bullet in the head”: The hotel employee responds

by time news

The summit of the Negev: The discussions of the foreign ministers at the Kedma Hotel in Sde Boker resumed this morning and at the end of them, statements were made to the media to summarize the summit. In the shadow of the meeting, Gal WoskerWorking at the Kedma Hotel in Sde Boker, caused a stir when she posted a threat to the Foreign Minister on Story on her Instagram account, Yair Lapid. She responded to this today (Monday) in a conversation with Nadav Rozman on 103FM.

The story brought up by Gal Wosker with a threat against Yair Lapid (Photo: 103FM)

The storm broke out following a photo uploaded by Wasker, featuring the foreign ministers participating in the Negev summit, and the caption: “Fortunately, I am not working tomorrow, otherwise Yair Lapid would have received a bullet in the head.” Wesker commented on the matter and apologized: “It was just talk, I have no weapons. It was a really unnecessary statement, I should not have done it and I really apologize for doing it.” She said, “I really had no physical intention to do anything. There really is nothing behind that statement.”

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In addition, she noted that the things she wrote in the same story were “unnecessary and it would not happen in life. Not now and not in the future. I’m really sorry and wish good news.” Meanwhile, Whisker’s employer, the Isrotel hotel chain, condemned the remarks yesterday and said in response that “we take this very seriously and will take all measures available to us, including disciplinary measures, until the matter is clarified.”

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