Against climate change, the French circumspect on the carbon tax

by time news
Terminals for electric vehicles in Paris. According to the experts of the Economic Analysis Council, the public authorities will finally have to invest as a priority in “low-emission mobility”. François BOUCHON/Le Figaro

To make the measures acceptable, the public authorities must pay particular attention to fragile households, recommend economists from the CAE.

As the heat wave sets in this summer in the country, the question of the climate policies to be carried out arises again. Taking up the vocabulary of La France insoumise, Emmanuel Macron had committed himself during the campaign to the principle of “ecological planning”. Beyond the promise to devote an envelope of 10 billion additional per year for the development of renewable energies, biodiversity, the end of the dependence on pesticides, the reduction of the car fleet, or the thermal renovation of housing, the president did not have time to further detail the ins and outs of this planning, nor the way in which he intended to distribute the bill, estimated at more than 50 billion euros per year.

The war in Ukraine, and its corollary of economic tensions, has shifted priorities since the end of February. The need for sobriety, mentioned for both companies and households, is now more aimed at lowering the bill…

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