Against Covid-19, the executive also relies on Paxlovid, Pfizer’s antiviral

by time news

In this period of rising wave of Covid-19 and approaching holidays, the public authorities are betting on the empowerment of the French, recommending them to wear the mask – without forcing them to do so – and to be vaccinated. But they also seem to be betting on a largely ignored defensive weapon: Paxlovid, an antiviral from Pfizer.

On December 9, the Minister of Health, François Braun, insisted, during a press conference, on a tool completely unknown to the French. Since October 12, people at risk of a serious form of Covid-19 can consult their doctor. And this one can make them a “conditional order” for Paxlovid, which remains to this day, in the event of proven infection, the most effective treatment for preventing serious forms of Covid-19. It must be said that this drug has a major advantage: it is taken orally, so without hospitalization.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Covid-19: how antivirals fight against SARS-CoV-2 infection

But what is a “conditional order” ? Clearly, the attending physicians who follow these patients at risk (people over 65, or suffering from certain chronic diseases, such as diabetes, or various cancers) can prescribe this antiviral to them in advance, in case they would then be infected, provided that they have no contraindications.

Then, as soon as these vulnerable patients show symptoms and a test confirms their infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they can go to their pharmacist with this prescription. This will then deliver the Paxlovid to them, without them having to go through their doctor.

Complex prescription modality

The interest? Reduce administration times. “To be effective, Paxlovid must be prescribed within three to five days of symptoms. So don’t waste time.” recalls the immunologist Brigitte Autran, who chairs the committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks (Covars). This race against time was considered to be one of the main obstacles to the use of Paxlovid. “The Minister of Health insisted on this measure – the conditional prescription of this antiviral – to make it better known. It offers a very effective time saver », notes Brigitte Autran. Early use of Paxlovid is “a preventive weapon that adds to the existing arsenal, vaccination, wearing a mask and barrier gestures. »

Available in France since January 28, Paxlovid has long suffered from its complex prescription modality. The attending physician had to go to an online platform to fill in the patient’s data, a very unusual and time-consuming procedure. But on May 6, that drug switched to a conventional prescription regimen.

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