Against scams on the elderly, the Carabinieri “recruit” Lino Banfi – News

by times news cr

2024-07-13 03:16:35

BOLZANO. The Carabinieri choose one of the most beloved actors, Lino Banfias a testimonial of the campaign against scams targeting the elderly.

The Carabinieri have in fact launched a communication campaign aimed at the part of the population most affected by this type of crime, with the aim of strengthening prevention and increasing the social reassurance function.

«The choice of the “Nonno d’Italia” was inspired by the need and desire to get even closer to the elderly, with the main aim of transmitting useful advice in a direct and effective way.

protect themselves from scams. For this reason, the actor immediately accepted the invitation”, the Carabinieri wrote in a note.

In the commercial, Lino Banfi and the Station Commander of the neighborhood where he lives warn viewers about scams. The commercial ends with the invitation to always contact 112 and the police and to consult the website, which illustrates the main types of scams and how to recognize them. The techniques adopted by scammers, in fact, however sneaky and imaginative, have recurring patterns: identifying them is the first step in defending yourself.

In addition to this initiative, a poster that will be displayed in all barracks, parishes and meeting places for the elderly, as well as a foldable booklet from

distribute to citizens, with advice: be careful when opening the door to strangers, be wary of appearances, limit your confidence on the Internet.

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2024-07-13 03:16:35

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