Against the pension reform, union actions in dispersed order before the May 1 meeting

by time news

2023-04-18 23:13:18

While waiting for May 1, they do not want to let the pressure drop. The four representative railway unions (Unsa, CFDT, CGT and SUD Rail) are organizing a “day of expression of anger” on Thursday. “We did not formally call for a strike, because we know the fatigue of railway workers and their financial difficulties, confides Didier Mathis, federal secretary of Unsa Ferroviaire. We are not giving up, however. “We want to continue to mobilize, to show that we are not turning the page and that the anger is still very strong”, engages Julien Troccaz, SUD Rail federal secretary.

However, there will be no “dark day” in transport. The organizations themselves do not expect significant strike rates. “We will be around 10%,” predicts a union source.

No consensus at national level

Actions “punches” or blockages will be carried out. “Until the tidal wave of May 1, we want to carry out visible and media actions throughout the territory, drawing inspiration from those carried out for a few weeks at Paris Gare de Lyon”, confides Julien Troccaz. During the last days of interprofessional mobilizations, the local SUD Rail section in turn invaded the railway tracks, the headquarters of Black Rock and that of LVMH (owner of the Parisian – Today in France).

Coordination between the railway unions and those of other sectors will be organized at the local level, between departmental unions. At the level of the management of the power stations, the subject does not achieve consensus. This railway offensive responds to the call, this Saturday, from the CGT and its general secretary Sophie Binet, to carry out “local and sectoral actions” this Thursday and Friday, April 28.

Slight tensions quickly swept away

Two additional mobilization dates to that of May 1, announced by the inter-union. “We want to give activists perspectives. We do not want to suggest a dead time, by May 1, by taking no action, ”explains Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT. The initiative, unprecedented since the beginning of the social movement, has even raised questions between the centrals, where visions on the methods of action diverge. “We asked the CGT for an explanation. She explained to us that these were not calls for demonstrations, but only local mobilizations. In ten minutes, we moved on, ”says a leader.

From the beginning, beyond the “points of agreement” and the common dates announced by the eight centres, each organization is free to call for additional actions. “Here, announcing two dates, we all know it’s posting. Sophie Binet has just arrived, she needs to make her mark and give pledges to the radical frankness of her management, ”analyzes a manager.

Despite these slight tensions, the “sacred union” union does not waver. “There have already been this type of sectoral initiatives over the past three months, that does not bother us, on the contrary”, underlines Simon Duteil, co-delegate general of Solidaires, who does not refrain from calling for this same kind of day next week. “We all have the fierce desire to remain united and to move forward together, supports Domine Corona, deputy secretary general of Unsa. The important thing, for now, is that everyone focuses on May Day. »

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